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    Leading Community Investment Company Announces New Senior Vice President of Capital Markets Image



    Leading Community Investment Company Announces New Senior Vice President of Capital Markets

    COLUMBIA, MD. November 30, 2006-- Enterprise Community Investment, Inc., a national leader in affordable housing finance and community investment, announces the appointment of Doug Able to senior vice president, Capital Markets. Able brings nearly 15 years of corporat...

    ADVISORY/Alcoa Foundation Calls for Global Action on Sustainability Image



    ADVISORY/Alcoa Foundation Calls for Global Action on Sustainability

    WHO: Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University, Nobel Laureate in Economics, will deliver the keynote speech, entitled 'Leadership in the Struggle for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation'.

    Featured speakers ...



    Parnassus Investments Selects LongView Trading ASP for Socially Responsible Investment Management

  • LongView Trading targets new market segment
  • LongView Trading's pre-trade compliance module is key to Parnassus implementing their socially responsible investment style

  • Business for Social Responsibility Names  Four New Board Members Image



    Business for Social Responsibility Names Four New Board Members

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA- November 27, 2006 - Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) is pleased to announce that four new Directors will be joining its board of directors. The BSR Board has elected Diana Bell, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Total Custo...

    InBev's Second Global Citizenship Report Reveals Strong Recycling Record and Reduced Energy Use Image



    InBev's Second Global Citizenship Report Reveals Strong Recycling Record and Reduced Energy Use

    Brussels, 16 November 2006 - InBev, the world's leading brewer by volume has underlined its commitment to corporate citizenship with the release of its second Global Citizenship Report. The Report offers a comprehensive assessment of the company's environmental, socia...

    Nearly 80 Percent Believe Responsible Companies Recover Faster after Crisis According to New Global Executive Survey Image



    Nearly 80 Percent Believe Responsible Companies Recover Faster after Crisis According to New Global Executive Survey

    NEW YORK, NY November 15, 2006 - A substantial majority of global business executives (79 percent) surveyed believe that companies with strong corporate responsibility track records recover their reputations faster post-crisis than those with weaker records. This fin...

    CSE Contributed to the Annual NET IMPACT Conference in Chicago Image



    CSE Contributed to the Annual NET IMPACT Conference in Chicago

    CSE contributed to the Net Impact conference in Chicago on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Global Trends. In his speech the Executive Director of CSE, Nikos Avlonas, underlined the different perspectives on CSR in the different regions of the worl...

    US BCSD Invites Guests to Participate in 2006 Year-End Meeting Image



    US BCSD Invites Guests to Participate in 2006 Year-End Meeting

    The U.S. Business Council for Sustainable Development will hold its 2006 Year-End meeting in Houston on December 12-13th, providing members and guests with opportunities to collaborate on sustainable development projects, network with like-minded professionals, and hear about emerging activities and...
    Consumer Survey Uncovers Variables that Drive Successful Corporate Responsibility Communications Image



    Consumer Survey Uncovers Variables that Drive Successful Corporate Responsibility Communications

    SEATTLE WA-- DDB Brand Integrity Group (DDB BIG) in conjunction with Ideal Bite released findings today from a consumer trust survey providing marketers with insights into why some corporate responsibility communications drive consumer trust while others fail. Answer...

    SustainAbility Names Nike Top U.S. Company for Social Responsibility Reporting Image



    SustainAbility Names Nike Top U.S. Company for Social Responsibility Reporting

    BEAVERTON, OR - Nike's commitment to industry-leading transparency in its social responsibility reporting has led to the company being named the top U.S. company and one of the world's top 10 in the current SustainAbility Global Reporters Program ranking released today.


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