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Donations to community initiatives with the intention of giving back for the greater common good.

    Duke Energy Launches $500,000 Grant Opportunity for Organizations Supporting Western North Carolina Recovery Efforts Image



    Duke Energy Launches $500,000 Grant Opportunity for Organizations Supporting Western North Carolina Recovery Efforts

    Duke Energy announced the launch of a new grant opportunity, offering $500,000 in funding to support organizations leading long-term recovery efforts in western North Carolina.
    FareStart Receives $450,000 Grant From KeyBank Foundation Image



    FareStart Receives $450,000 Grant From KeyBank Foundation

    The KeyBank Foundation has announced a grant of $450,000 to FareStart as the nonprofit seeks to extend the breadth and depth of its job training programs, with a goal of increasing overall program impact by 60% over three years.
    Prime Time Upgrade: Colorado Coaching Roster Expands Image



    Prime Time Upgrade: Colorado Coaching Roster Expands

    If there’s one thing fans and media have learned by now, it’s to always expect the unexpected with University of Colorado Head Football Coach Deion "Coach Prime" Sanders. Known for keeping things interesting, like being the only athlete to play in both the Super Bowl.
    New Holland Enters Partnership To Renovate the Gralha Azul Experimental Farm in Brazil Image



    New Holland Enters Partnership To Renovate the Gralha Azul Experimental Farm in Brazil

    New Holland, a CNH brand, and the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) in Brazil, have entered a partnership to modernize and renovate the Gralha Azul Experimental Farm (FEGA), a unit that provides teaching and research support for undergraduate and graduate courses
    KeyBank to Give $1.5 Million to West Side Market’s Transformation Project and Food Access Programming, New Produce Arcade to be Named in Their Honor Image



    KeyBank to Give $1.5 Million to West Side Market’s Transformation Project and Food Access Programming, New Produce Arcade to be Named in Their Honor

    KeyBank and the KeyBank Foundation have awarded the West Side Market $1.5 million towards its Transformation Project. The gift includes support for the renovated East Produce Arcade, which will honor KeyBank’s commitment to the community, along with funding for food access.
    PSEG Employees Volunteer to Support Children's Specialized Hospital Image



    PSEG Employees Volunteer to Support Children's Specialized Hospital

    We’ve been proud partners of Children's Specialized Hospital for almost 20 years, donating more than $7.2 million through our PSEG Foundation and PSEG Corporate Social Responsibility to support their inspiring work and help treat children with special health challenges.
    ScottsMiracle-Gro 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report: NHSA and the GroMoreGood Garden Grants Image



    ScottsMiracle-Gro 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report: NHSA and the GroMoreGood Garden Grants

    The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation celebrated its fifth year of collaboration with the National Head Start Association (NHSA) to bring GroMoreGood Garden Grants and gardening resources to Head Start and Early Head Start programs across the United States.
    Supporting Georgia Farmers With Climate-Smart Practices Image



    Supporting Georgia Farmers With Climate-Smart Practices

    Practicing climate-smart agriculture can help Georgia farms be more productive and build soils that can absorb more carbon from our atmosphere at the same time. A groundbreaking partnership is giving Black and Brown farmers in coastal Georgia accelerate climate-smart agriculture
    DICK'S Sporting Goods & The DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation Pledge More Than $10 Million Towards California and North Carolina Disaster Relief Efforts Image



    DICK'S Sporting Goods & The DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation Pledge More Than $10 Million Towards California and North Carolina Disaster Relief Efforts

    The DICK'S Sporting Goods Foundation announced a commitment of more than $10 million to support communities impacted by the devastating wildfires in California and the mass destruction caused by flooding in North Carolina.
    Scotts and Landon Dickerson Team Up To Keep Philadelphia’s Fields Safe for Young Athletes Image



    Scotts and Landon Dickerson Team Up To Keep Philadelphia’s Fields Safe for Young Athletes

    As the cost of youth sports continues to rise, many families are finding it harder to afford the activities their kids are passionate about.

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