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How Qualcomm Improves Economic Outlooks for Women Entrepreneurs

How Qualcomm Improves Economic Outlooks for Women Entrepreneurs

Published 09-29-23

Submitted by Qualcomm Inc.

A person using a cell phone to make selections.

As published in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Women’s economic empowerment is fundamental to gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. Women face barriers to start and grow businesses, including lack of confidence and access to training, networks and knowledge. We have been collaborating with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women (CBFW) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement the Women Entrepreneurs Amplifying Ventures and Economies (WEAVE) program in Vietnam and Indonesia.

WEAVE aims to increase the availability of flexible training and services and develop the business skills and confidence needed for women to grow successful MSMEs through digital technology.

We supported the development of HerVenture, a free award-winning mobile learning app, engaging more than 12,000 women entrepreneurs. The app is designed to provide women entrepreneurs of small and growing businesses with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to successfully start and grow their enterprises by offering essential business training and support “on the go.”

Many HerVenture users then progressed to the Road to Growth program, a fully online learning program to develop business management and investment readiness skills. Following Road to Growth, women entrepreneurs participated in the CBFW’s global Mentoring Women in Business program, which pairs them with dedicated mentors who provide one-to-one support for six months.

The HerVenture app was first piloted in 2018 in Vietnam and has since been rolled out throughout the world. HerVenture is highly scalable, can be adapted to any geography or language and has reached more than 65,000 women globally. It is currently available for free on iOS and Android in Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria and Guyana, with plans to expand further.

Learn more in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

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