Published 09-18-23
Submitted by Qualcomm Inc.
As published in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report
We provide employees with frequent opportunities to share their feedback on what it’s like for them to work at our Company. We hold company-wide and business unit “All Hands” meetings on a quarterly basis to give employees opportunities to ask questions of our executive leadership team.
We conduct full census engagement surveys, as well as pulse surveys. These surveys provide employees the opportunity to give feedback and enable management to assess employee engagement. We ensure that every employee gets the opportunity to participate in these surveys at least annually. We use the results to drive change and engage, retain and develop our people. Leaders receive a detailed report of the results for their organization within a few weeks after a survey closes to help them understand the strengths of their organization and to quickly begin acting on opportunities for improvement.
Each survey also includes a relevant focus area, such as inclusion, skill development or recognition. Based on 2022 survey results, programs are developed to address opportunities for improvement. Employee sentiment is continually tracked, and we are pleased to see high engagement scores as demonstrated by the high satisfaction in the following areas (average scores for fiscal 2022):
Learn more in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report