Join the thought provoking session presented by the International WELL Building Institute and National League of Cities
Published 06-30-23
Submitted by International WELL Building Institute
As a post-pandemic paradigm focused on health resilience in buildings and communities takes root, leading organizations are systematically elevating human health and well-being in how they implement sustainability initiatives. At this pivotal moment, the practitioner community can help inform more holistic and integrative approaches to implementation that marry healthy design with broader climate goals. To maximize positive health outcomes in concert with sustainability goals, practitioners from different sectors are now coalescing around a set of strategies and interventions to deliver on health, equity and well-being in everything from building projects to city policy, and from federal programs to environmental, social and governance frameworks.
Join us in this session that features a group of practitioners with different perspectives on how they are augmenting and strengthening sustainability initiatives with leading health-first strategies and best practices. This shift is particularly important as cities, schools and other major sectors across the built environment continue to receive historic federal infrastructure investments and newly extended sustainability incentives. In this larger context, the speakers will go into deeper detail about how cities are prioritizing health in city building policy and urban design, the role large commercial real estate is playing to ramp up health resilience in the face of future public health emergencies, and how tenants are advancing healthier workplaces.
Date: July 12 @2pm ET
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is a public benefit corporation and the world’s leading organization focused on deploying people-first places to advance a global culture of health. IWBI mobilizes its community through the administration of the WELL Building Standard (WELL Standard) and WELL ratings and certifications, management of the WELL AP credential, the pursuit of applicable research, the development of educational resources and advocacy for policies that promote health and well-being everywhere. More information on WELL can be found here.
IWBI is a participant of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative, and helps companies advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the use of WELL.
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