Published 05-25-23
Submitted by Qualcomm Inc.
As published in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report
We’ve integrated corporate responsibility throughout our business, from our daily operations to our executive leadership and our Board of Directors (the Board). Our governance structure is designed to facilitate accountability, transparency and the ongoing improvement of our programs.
The Governance Committee of the Board provides oversight on corporate responsibility matters, including ESG policies, programs and initiatives. The HR and Compensation Committee of the Board provides oversight on policies, programs and initiatives focusing on workforce and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The Audit Committee of the Board provides oversight on the Company’s information technology security/cybersecurity policies, risk mitigation and recovery plans and other programs and activities.
Our ESG Leadership Committee reports at least annually on the Company’s corporate responsibility and ESG policies, programs, initiatives and reporting to the Governance Committee of the Board. Our ESG Leadership Committee provides guidance on global ESG issues that are most important to Qualcomm and our key stakeholders so that it remains a central and visible component of our business strategy. This Committee is composed of executives and senior management from functions across the Company, including Human Resources (HR), DEI; Legal, Government Affairs, Supply Chain, Procurement, Licensing, Privacy, Cybersecurity, Risk and Compliance, Investor Relations, Operations and Finance, among others. In 2022, we added new representatives to the ESG Leadership Committee to ensure that the cross-functional approach is maintained as ESG expands into new areas of the Company.
Our ESG Governance Committee implements directives from the ESG Leadership Committee into company-wide programs, measures progress on achieving our goals and reports accomplishments and challenges. This Committee includes managers and other subject matter experts from functions across the Company, including Investor Relations, Supply Chain Management, DEI, STEM Education, Operations, Human Rights, Privacy, Cybersecurity, Health and Safety and Legal, among others.
The ESG issues overseen by these committees include climate change mitigation and adaptation, STEM education, DEI, supply chain sustainability including forced labor risks, social impact programs, human rights, health and safety, sustainability reporting, policy and regulation and resource management, among others.
Diversity of our Board of Directors
Our Board values insights brought through a broad range of perspectives, including diversity in professional experience and competencies; gender; and racial, ethnic and national backgrounds.
The Governance Committee of the Board is responsible for reviewing the appropriate skills and characteristics required of Board members within the context of prevailing business conditions and the composition of the Board. Diversity with respect to gender, race and ethnicity — including individuals from underrepresented communities — is one of many criteria considered in the selection of director nominees. As part of its efforts to create a diverse Board, the Governance Committee includes, and instructs any search firm it engages to include, women and individuals from underrepresented communities in the pool of candidates from which the Governance Committee selects director nominees.
“The Board aspires to maintain a diverse composition in which, generally, at least three of its members are women and at least three of its members are from underrepresented communities.
Learn more in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report
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