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News and content about corporate responsibility innovations in the software industry.



    Sun Rises to the Call for Volunteerism

    Last Saturday, April 8, 2000, thousands of Sun Microsystems' global employees picked up rakes, hammers, books and donated supplies launching Sun's sixth annual Worldwide Volunteer Week (April 8-15, 2000). Sun employees, their families and friends, business associates and cus...

    The United Negro College Fund Announces Technology Enhancement Capital Campaign Image



    The United Negro College Fund Announces Technology Enhancement Capital Campaign

    The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) today announced a Technology Enhancement Capital Campaign (TECC) and partnerships valued at more than $130 million with Microsoft Corp., IBM Corp. and AT&T to bolster the technology infrastructures of UNCF member institutions and impr...

    Microsoft Donates More Than $3 Million in Software to Aid Low-Income Students Seeking Post-Secondary Education Image



    Microsoft Donates More Than $3 Million in Software to Aid Low-Income Students Seeking Post-Secondary Education

    Microsoft Corp. today announced its latest grant of more than $3 million in software* to TRIO programs in 49 colleges and universities across the United States, providing greater technology access to low-income and first-generation students seeking post-secondary educations....

    Microsoft Grants Increase Technology Access, Training for Students At African-American and Hispanic Universities Across the Nation Image



    Microsoft Grants Increase Technology Access, Training for Students At African-American and Hispanic Universities Across the Nation

    Microsoft Corp. today announced grants to 11 African-American and Hispanic universities across the country, the latest in the company's long-standing effort to increase technology access for students of color. The grants, totaling $440,000 in cash and more than $1 million in...

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