Whether turfgrass, native plants or trees, green spaces are essential to the environment. According to Lawn Institute, they play a vital role in providing recreation, relaxation, and social interaction, helping to foster a sense of community and wellbeing.
Covia is committed to protecting biodiversity by preserving intact forests, reclaiming land with over 50% native species, managing avian and migratory bird habitats, protecting endangered species and their habitats, and combating invasive species.
Electrifying transportation in Georgia is a powerful climate solution, and the benefits of upgrading to electric school buses go beyond carbon. The transition to electric buses supports the local economy and can positively impact our kids' health, too.
Veolia announced today that it has been awarded a contract to assume operations and maintenance of the City of Toronto’s Dufferin organics processing facility.
A landlocked city nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville simply wasn’t prepared for the unusual dangers Helene would have on its infrastructure. But Eck’s job is to make sure Mastercard is.
Intelligent power management company Eaton announces a collaboration with Treehouse to enable high-quality, cost-effective and code-compliant residential electrification projects.
In 2023, we proudly delivered “Laboratorio de los Sueños,” an innovative environmental classroom at the Isidoro School in El Rosario de Marinilla, built entirely from recycled plastic waste.
Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Georgia. Tune into this interview with John Devine, executive director of Go Georgia (formerly Georgia Bikes) to learn all about sustainable transportation alternatives.
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