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NN Group Publishes Its 2016 Annual Report

NN Group Publishes Its 2016 Annual Report

Published 03-16-17

Issued by NN Group


NN Group is pleased to announce the publication of its 2016 Annual Report. It consists of two distinct sections – Annual Review and Financial Report – providing an overview of our strategy and financial and non-financial performance.

Report Highlights

NN Group is pleased to announce the publication of its 2016 Annual Report. It consists of two distinct sections – Annual Review and Financial Report – providing an overview of our strategy and financial and non-financial performance.

NN Group's purpose is to help people secure their financial futures. By understanding the global trends society faces and the impact these developments may have on its customers and on its business, NN Group can contribute to a healthy economy as well as a stable society.

In our value creation model we explain how our business model creates value for all stakeholders. We developed a simplified visualization using the framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) as starting point. 

Performance highlights in 2016:

  • Healthy operating result ongoing business of EUR 1,227 million and a good net result of EUR 1,189 million
  • Robust Solvency II and cash capital positions were maintained – at 241% and EUR 2,489 million respectively
  • EUR 5 billion Assets under Management in SRI funds and mandates, an increase of 12% compared to 2015
  • 71% employee engagement as seen in our Yearly Engagement Survey (YES)
  • EUR 1.5 million in donations to charitable organisations
  • 5,685 employee volunteering hours through our overarching Corporate Citizenship programme Future Matters

Throughout the report, NN Group underlines a solid foundation on which we continually deliver on our strategy, and foster a diverse, values-driven and innovative business culture aimed at long-term value creation for all stakeholders.

NN Group’s Annual Report is available for download at

Media Contact:
Media Relations at NN Group
For Annual Report related matters: +31 (0)6 1313 5144

NN Group

NN Group

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