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VMware Accelerates ESG Progress Towards a More Sustainable, Equitable and Secure Digital World

VMware Accelerates ESG Progress Towards a More Sustainable, Equitable and Secure Digital World

Published 08-23-22

Issued by VMware


The latest ESG Report from VMware details actions taken by the company in FY22, including customer highlights and progress on its 30 cross-functional ESG goals to drive sustainability, equity and trust. 

Report Highlights

VMware recently released its 2022 Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Report, affirming VMware’s unique approach toward creating a more sustainable, equitable and secure digital world. The report benchmarks the progress made towards the goals outlined in its 2030 Agenda, a decade long ESG commitment and call to action to better serve its customers and stakeholders.

VMware's ESG updates from the past fiscal year include launching the VMware Responsible Sourcing™ program to prioritize sustainability, diversity and accessibility in its supply chain; creating the responsible swag initiative to avoid wasteful purchasing, sourcing sustainably with ethical shipping by sourcing locally; and investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion hiring practices across all areas of the company.

As VMware’s technology services and solutions have grown, so too has its commitment to driving ESG outcomes across the company, its customer ecosystem and value chain. This fiscal year, VMware’s progress included the decarbonization of its customers’ digital infrastructures, equity for customers’ employees through distributed workforce technology, and enhanced security and privacy for customers to build trust with their stakeholders.

“At VMware, ESG encompasses both operational performance and impact, which allows us to co-innovate with customers and partners and to inspire all stakeholders by moving from aspiration to action. While there is still progress to be made, the past year showed that we are well positioned to advance this critical work as we move forward together,” Nicola Acutt, Vice President of Environmental, Social and Governance.

Here are a few of the 2022 ESG Report highlights demonstrating VMware’s progress:

  • Founded the VMware Zero Carbon Committed™ program and added 30 VMware Cloud Provider™ partners committed to renewable energy.
  • Invested in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives including within our hiring practices, resulting in a 2.1 percentage point increase of representation of women in VMware’s workforce from the previous year.
  • Granted membership to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), one of the world's leading ESG benchmarks, for the second consecutive year, and ranked in the 97th percentile within the cloud computing industry.
  • Furthered our climate transition planning, guided by recommendations in the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
  • Enhanced our governance practices by including ESG milestones in Executive compensation bonus plans.

Read VMware’s full 2022 ESG Report

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