Deutsche Telekom publishes its 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report. Entitled "Act responsibly. Enable sustainability." the CR report provides information on the progress that Deutsche Telekom has made and the challenges it faces as a responsible company. The report also highlights the contributions made to sustainable development by Deutsche Telekom’s products and solutions.
Report Highlights
Deutsche Telekom publishes its 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report. Entitled "Act responsibly. Enable sustainability." the CR report provides information on the progress that Deutsche Telekom has made and the challenges it faces as a responsible company. The report also highlights the contributions made to sustainable development by Deutsche Telekom’s products and solutions.
Topics for the report were selected using a comprehensive materiality process, which includes internal interviews, workshops and an external survey, as well as further information, for example, from rating processes. An external assurance engagement has verified the proper execution of this process. Deutsche Telekom’s sustainability reporting is conducted in line with the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative (G4) guidelines.
During the 2015 reporting year, major progress was achieved in the following projects, among others:
Supplier development program generates results. In this program, Deutsche Telekom works together with suppliers to come up with solutions for topics such as environmental protection, working hour regulations and occupational health and safety – with results that can be measured: One supplier was able to reduce days lost due to sickness and occupational health and safety issues by 48 percent. Another supplier was able to increase productivity by 34 percent, thanks in part to improved employee satisfaction.
Disclosing CO2 emissions. Deutsche Telekom also discloses Scope 3 emissions, which are produced outside of the company, for example, by suppliers manufacturing products for Deutsche Telekom or customers using Deutsche Telekom services. The Group recorded and disclosed these emissions for all relevant national companies for the first time for the 2015 reporting year.
LTE coverage continues to grow. Around 90 percent of Germany's population had access to LTE by the end of 2015. That means that the target of 95 percent for 2018 is within reach.
Intensifying stakeholder dialog. In November 2015, Deutsche Telekom issued invitations to attend its eighth CR Stakeholder Forum under the heading "Enabling sustainability – Turning visions into reality." Internal and external stakeholders engaged in dialog, particularly focusing on sustainable products and sustainable supply chain management. More than 90 percent of the participants were very satisfied with the event.
Blue Angel award for Telekom Deutschland. 95 of Telekom's fixed-line devices bear the Blue Angel seal. Telekom Deutschland received the Blue Angel Award for this accomplishment as well as for its role as a pioneer and multiplier when it comes to climate protection.
Cyber Security Professional program enters second round. Deutsche Telekom has been offering an IHK-certified, specialist IT security training program to its apprentices and students on cooperative degree programs since 2014. With this training program, the first and only one of its kind in Germany, Deutsche Telekom has filled a gap in the training and labor market. Ten additional participants entered the program in 2015.
Expanding refugee aid in Europe. Deutsche Telekom has initiated various offers of support in response to increased refugee immigration. In Germany these include providing WiFi at refugee reception centers and other measures, such as setting up the information portal The portal has had over a million visitors since it was launched last fall. The Deutsche Telekom Group’s European national companies also got involved: the Greek OTE Group has been working with sea rescue efforts and T-Mobile Austria has been offering training positions to young refugees.
Positive development of CR KPIs. Deutsche Telekom uses ESG KPIs (environment, social and governance key performance indicators) as control instruments for its CR commitment. For 2015, these KPIs show a largely positive trend. Take the Sustainable Procurement ESG KPI, for example, which verifies supplier compliance with Deutsche Telekom’s social and environmental standards: with 78 percent coverage by procurement volume, the Group surpassed its target for 2015.
Deutsche Telekom has been providing its stakeholders with information about its environmental and social commitment in regular reports for twenty years. The present report provides extensive information on the Group's key activities. The supplemental CR brochure also provides a quick overview of Deutsche Telekom's varied involvement and dedication.