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Telus Corporation (TSE:T) publishes 2010 CSR Report

Telus Corporation (TSE:T) publishes 2010 CSR Report

Published 09-20-11

Issued by TELUS Corporation


The report provides transparent, balanced and comprehensive disclosure of their combined economic, social and environmental triple-bottom-line performance

Report Highlights

TELUS’ 2010 CSR Report provides transparent, balanced and comprehensive disclosure of their combined economic, social and environmental triple-bottom-line performance.

For this report, TELUS is self declaring at a Level A+ checked, based on the assessment of the report content against the criteria in the GRI application levels. PricewaterhouseCoopers reviewed TELUS’ self-declaration that it has met the A+ level of conformance with the GRI requirements.

Also in 2010, TELUS signed the United Nations Global Compact. This global agreement, or compact, helps businesses align their operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

The TELUS team understands there is a symbiotic relationship between the success of their company and the health of their communities, making it essential to live up to their brand promise, the future is friendly®. This is why the triple-bottom-line approach incorporating economic, social and environmental aspects, is embedded in the culture of the company. Key highlights include; our climate change strategy, which commits the company to a 25 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a 10 per cent overall energy reduction over the next 10 years. In terms of the communities where they live, work and serve, they contributed $38.6 million in financial and in-kind assistance. And from a customer perspective, they launched a very important Customers First initiative. While they have always included a section about customers in their report, the 2010 report sets out key metrics that will be used to measure success in enhancing customer experience.

TELUS is a leading national telecommunications company in Canada, with $10.1 billion of annual revenue and 12.4 million customer connections including 7.1 million wireless subscribers, 3.7 million wireline network access lines and 1.2 million Internet subscribers and more than 400,000 TELUS TV customers.
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TELUS Corporation

TELUS Corporation

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