Published 02-28-08
Issued by Landcom
The 2007 Annual Report continues to document Landcom's progress towards its sustainability & corporate targets through its environmental, economic, social & corporate governance indicators
Landcom released its fifth annual sustainability results in December 2007. For the second year in a row the sustainability and financial reports have been integrated into one comprehensive annual report. The report and associated supporting information can be found here.
Landcom’s 2007 Annual Report continues to document Landcom’s progress towards its sustainability and corporate targets through its environmental, economic, social and corporate governance indicators. The report also highlights key programmes and projects undertaken by the organisation over the previous 12 month period.
Highlights from this year’s report include:
Piloting a “Walking School Bus” program to promote healthy travel choices and reduced vehicle movements around schools.
Achieved in excess of 2008 targets for improvements in water quality treatment.
A reduction of 127 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year from homes constructed during the year compared to the average home in New South Wales.
Assisting contractors and sub-contractors to substantially lift their own environmental performance.
Challenges from this year’s report include:
This year Landcom again faced challenges in meeting its moderate income housing and renewable energy targets.
A continuous flat property market in the parts of NSW in which Landcom operates challenges the organisation to meet financial targets.
A shift in business emphasis from traditional greenfield housing projects to urban renewal projects, which tend to be more contentious and complex for lower returns.
Landcom is a New South Wales, Australia, State Owned Corporation. The purpose of the organisation is to put in practice the State’s plans for urban growth and change while remaining commercially viable. This is achieved through creation of new urban areas in greenfield locations and the redevelopment of land within existing urban areas.
Landcom reports in accordance with the guidelines produced by the Global Reporting Initiative. The report was assured and verified by Net Balance Management Group.
Hardcopies of the report are available by emailing