Published 07-10-07
Issued by O2 (Telef'nica Europe plc)
The report asks how communications technology is transforming our lives, changing society, and affecting the environment around us
A communications revolution - that won’t cost the earth?
Telefónica O2 Europe plc’s 2006 Corporate Responsibility Report asks how communications technology is transforming our lives, changing society, and affecting the environment around us.
Join the interactive debate at the award-winning website at: Here you can also find all the detailed facts and build your own personalised report.
Key highlights include:
O2 and Telefónica are joining forces with a shared vision
O2’s commitments to climate change – electricity sourced from renewable sources reaches 41 per cent across Europe
O2 becomes one of the best places to work – 89 per cent of O2 employees are proud to work for O2
Reaching out to customers on child protection: a new website, customer cards, employee champions, and an informative child protection film
Printed reports are available for the UK, Ireland, Germany and the Czech Republic, in local languages. Order your copy at
The reports have been assured in accordance with the AA1000AS standard and ISAE3000; accredited by the Plain Language Commission for jargon-free language; and apply the new Global Reporting Initiative framework. All online content has been audited by Segala to ensure full accessibility
Telefónica O2 Europe plc is a fully-owned division of Telefónica, S.A. A pan-European telecommunications company with operations in the UK, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the O2 brand remains the public face of Telefónica O2 Europe’s business operations.