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PSEG Caring for Kids: Supporting Children’s Specialized Hospital

Building brighter futures together – this season and always

PSEG Caring for Kids: Supporting Children’s Specialized Hospital

Building brighter futures together – this season and always

Published 12-12-24

Submitted by Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)

Originally published on PSEG ENERGIZE!

It’s that time of year again: the leaves have fallen, holiday decorations are on display and while the air grows colder, our hearts grow warmer. The season of giving has arrived, reminding us that comforts we often take for granted – like a cozy home, clean clothes or a warm meal – aren’t always guaranteed for everyone.

That’s why our PSEG Foundation is proud to support a variety of organizations that have made a difference in our communities throughout the year. Keep reading to learn about a handful of the many organizations we work with to help brighten our communities.

Children’s Specialized Hospital is the nation’s leading provider of inpatient and outpatient care for children under 21, with a total of 15 locations across New Jersey. The passionate staff at CSH are dedicated to treating children with special health challenges, including chronic illnesses, physical disabilities and developmental, behavioral and mental health concerns.

CSH is aligned with our passion for community, and we’re proud to have partnered with them for almost two decades. Since 2005, our PSEG Foundation and PSE&G Corporate Social Responsibility have donated more than $7.2 million to support CSH’s inspiring work. We recently provided CSH with a grant of $300,000 for the Social Determinants of Health Program to help improve long-term health outcomes for children and provide support for their families.

This year nearly 50 employees volunteered over 200 hours on fundraising activities for the Children’s Specialized Hospital’s annual golf outing and Walk n’ Roll. Collectively PSEG employees raised $50,000 for the Walk n’ Roll and over $700K during the golf outing.

Through our partnerships and support for a variety of organizations dedicated to helping communities in New Jersey, we’re taking strides to help create a brighter future for New Jerseyans.

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Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)

Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (PSEG) (NYSE: PEG) is a publicly traded diversified energy company with approximately 13,000 employees. Headquartered in Newark, N.J., PSEG's principal operating subsidiaries are: Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (PSE&G), PSEG Power and PSEG Long Island. PSEG is a Fortune 500 company included in the S&P 500 Index and has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for North America for 11 consecutive years (

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