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Kohler Continues Its Safe Water for All Initiative With New Bathrooms for a Primary School in Thailand

Kohler Continues Its Safe Water for All Initiative With New Bathrooms for a Primary School in Thailand

Published 08-28-24

Submitted by Kohler

Teachers and students group photo

As part of our commitment to Safe Water For All, Kohler teams from Saraburi and Bangkok, Thailand, helped to renovate bathrooms at the Wat Khon Hom primary school—providing a cleaner and more gracious experience for students and staff.

The teams also sponsored sports equipment, helped plant a vegetable garden for fresh produce at lunch, and spent time playing and teaching the students English.

Here’s to healthy and supportive learning environments for all children.

6 students


2 bathrooms


Building a garden


Teachers in front of class of students


Planting a garden


2 Volunteers


Students eat lunch


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