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CloroxPro To Launch New Line of Plant-Based Disinfecting Wipes

By Jen McGregor, Associate Marketing Manager

CloroxPro To Launch New Line of Plant-Based Disinfecting Wipes

By Jen McGregor, Associate Marketing Manager

Published 08-15-24

Submitted by The Clorox Company

Different Eco Clean products from Clorox, a green background.

With environmentally preferred purchasing policies in place in more than three-quarters of U.S. states and certified eco-conscious products required for new custodial contracts in federal buildings, demand for more environmentally friendly cleaners in public facilities continues to rise.

That’s one reason why we’re expanding our Clorox EcoClean product platform with the launch of Clorox EcoClean Disinfecting Wipes. These wipes use naturally derived ingredients, including a citric acid active ingredient, and are made with a 100% plant-based substrate. They still kill 99.9% of germs — without bleach, ammonia or alcohol — so cleaning professionals won’t sacrifice efficacy to maintain public spaces.

Clorox EcoClean Disinfecting Wipes are the newest addition to our broader line of Clorox EcoClean ready-to-use cleaners and disinfectants, which are certified under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Design for the Environment and Safer Choice programs. Designed for comfortable use (no gloves or personal protective equipment required!) and safe for use on multiple surfaces*, they’re the ideal option for cleaning and disinfecting a range of public spaces, including schools, offices and government buildings.

As with all other Clorox EcoClean products, these wipes can help facilities and organizations meet their sustainability goals, including requirements for LEED, ISSA CIMS-Green Building, and Healthy Green Schools and Colleges.

The new wipes also support ambitious ESG goals integrated into our broader companywide strategy. They showcase our efforts to design products that reinforce our commitment to reduce virgin plastics in our supply chain by 50% by 2030. Additionally, all Clorox EcoClean products, including the new disinfecting wipes, come in at least 25% post-consumer recycled plastic packaging.

*When used as directed on hard, nonporous surfaces.

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The Clorox Company

The Clorox Company has long been committed to purpose-driven growth. We believe our purpose is clear: to champion people to be well and thrive every single day.

Our allegiance to this shared aspiration guides and inspires our company to act with swiftness and confidence toward a more socially and environmentally sustainable future. With an ambition to mobilize all of our people and brands, we strive to act as a force for positive, lasting change in three key areas: 

  • Healthy lives: Improving people’s health and well-being.
  • Clean world: Taking climate action and reducing plastic and other waste.
  • Thriving communities: Investing in our people and communities to contribute to a more equitable world.

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