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Bob Mitchell Talks Supply Chain on the Five Lifes to Fifty Podcast

Bob Mitchell Talks Supply Chain on the Five Lifes to Fifty Podcast

Published 07-25-24

Submitted by Global Electronics Council

"episode 11 global electronics council ceo bob mitchell on understanding supply chain leverage"

The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is excited to share the latest episode of the Five Lifes to Fifty podcast featuring Bob Mitchell, CEO of GEC. Bob and hosts Jim Fava, Neil D’Souza, and Shelley Metcalfe discussed the importance of leverage in international supply chains, GEC’s role in driving both product and corporate-level ESG evolution, the future of voluntary standards, and more.

Listen at the links below.

Five Lifes to Fifty:



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Global Electronics Council

Global Electronics Council

The Global Electronics Council (GEC) envisions a world with only sustainable electronic technology that enhances the well-being of people and planet. Our mission is to accelerate the transformation of markets toward prioritizing the most sustainable electronic products and services. As stewards of the EPEAT ecolabel, we set global standards for electronics that empower brands and their buyers to achieve ambitious sustainability goals. Through our thought leadership, advocacy, and EPEAT ecolabel, GEC is helping to reshape the electronics industry into a driving force for environmental preservation and global well-being.

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