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Build. Give. Invest: A New Framework That’s Worth the Risk

Build. Give. Invest: A New Framework That’s Worth the Risk

Published 02-12-24

Submitted by GreenMoney Journal

Henry Kaestner, Faith Driven Entrepreneur and Faith Driven Investor

by Henry Kaestner, Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Faith Driven Investor ministries

I can sum up most of the teaching I’ve encountered about Christian finances in two words: make and give. Since coming to faith in my 20s, it has mostly been taught to me that if I am going to be successful, I should make as much money as possible so I can give away as much as possible. The implication here is that the most holy thing to do with your money is to donate it. Send it to the nonprofits. Give your tithe. And then wait for your reward in heaven.

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As an investor, this has always felt incomplete. While God certainly calls me to give, he has also called me as an entrepreneur and investor to use a portion of my capital to invest in for-profit companies that, by design, aren’t doing philanthropic work. So, I’ve had to wrestle with how these vocations fit with God’s vision for my finances.

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Where Does Investing Fit? It sure does seem like it has to belong somewhere because after years of working with Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Investors around the world, I know one thing for sure: these people are having incredible kingdom impact. They are building an ethical culture and influencing their communities through their companies. Nonprofits and charities are absolutely an essential tool God uses to advance his Kingdom. But it is not the only way. Charitable giving is one (very important!) way to honor God with our finances, but it’s not the only way. That’s why we at Faith Driven Investor have started thinking about a threefold framework that consists of building, giving, and investing.

Read Henry's full article on the threefold framework here -


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GreenMoney Journal

GreenMoney Journal is an award-winning eJournal and website that focuses on sustainable investing and business. GreenMoney Journal was founded by Cliff Feigenbaum in 1992 and today he serves as Publisher and Managing Editor of this very trusted brand. Cliff is also the co-author of "Investing With Your Values" (Bloomberg Press, NYC). In 2017 Mr. Feigenbaum he was chosen as the co-winner of the "SRI Service Award" by his peers at The SRI Conference. In 2021, He won the "Media Innovator Award" from Corporate Vision and most recently in early 2022, Mr. Feigenbaum was named one of the Top 100 DEI Leaders for 2021 by Mogul.

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