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Entergy’s Conservation Partnership Empowers Agricultural Customers for Success and Sustainability

Entergy’s Conservation Partnership Empowers Agricultural Customers for Success and Sustainability

Published 01-24-24

Submitted by Entergy Corporation

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Ken Bradshaw, Chad Eschete and Keith Smallwood, members of Entergy's eTech team, discussed Entergy's ongoing sustainability activities at last year’s Rice Stewardship Partnership Summit.

As part of our commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility and meeting our customer needs, Entergy has been a longtime supporter of Ducks Unlimited, one of the world’s largest wetland and waterfowl conservation organizations.

Our Environmental Initiatives Fund provides $1 million shareholder-funded dollars each year for environmental improvement projects. Through this fund, one of the major initiatives we have supported is the USA Rice-Ducks Unlimited Rice Stewardship Partnership. The partnership was formed in 2013 to bring about meaningful and long-term improvements to three of the nation's critical natural and economic resources: waterfowl, working rice lands and water.

Entergy and the Rice Stewardship Partnership share a common goal: helping agricultural producers with their operations, with an eye toward improving their bottom line while also protecting our natural resources. As the largest electric power production and retail distribution company across the rice-growing regions of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and Gulf Coast, we are a natural partner for this work.

“Innovative collaborations among companies, governments and conservation organizations show increasing potential to tackle underlying challenges like preserving groundwater, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving wildlife habitat,” said Dr. Scott Manley, director of agriculture support at Ducks Unlimited. “Collaborations with partners like Entergy are essential to meet everybody’s climate and nature goals.”

In 2019, the Environmental Initiatives Fund provided a $250,000 grant to support the Rice Stewardship Partnership’s work to conserve wetlands on agricultural lands. The program’s goal is to improve water and energy use and increase wildlife habitat in rice-growing areas.

We don’t just provide funding, however – we also provide expertise and technical support to rice growers to help them reach their conservation goals.

Since 2006, we have donated nearly $1 million through shareholder-funded grants and more than $8.5 million of in-kind contributions to Ducks Unlimited in support of initiatives across Entergy’s service area. Through our partnership, we are leveraging a variety of resources to support important regional conservation efforts while helping our customers build a more sustainable future.

The Environmental Initiatives Fund was launched in 2001 and has invested nearly $43 million in environmental improvement projects. Learn more about our commitment to the environment at

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Entergy Corporation

Entergy Corporation

Entergy is a Fortune 500 company that powers life for 3 million customers through our operating companies in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. We’re investing in the reliability and resilience of the energy system while helping our region transition to cleaner, more efficient energy solutions. With roots in our communities for more than 100 years, Entergy is a nationally recognized leader in sustainability and corporate citizenship. Since 2018, we have delivered more than $100 million in economic benefits each year to local communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. Entergy is headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has approximately 12,000 employees. Learn more at and follow @Entergy on social media. #WePowerLife

Corporate Social Responsibility at Entergy

For more than 100 years, Entergy has powered life in our communities through strategic philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy. Entergy’s corporate social responsibility initiatives help create and sustain thriving communities, position the company for sustainable growth and are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our top CSR priorities are education/workforce development, poverty solutions/social services and environmental programs. Entergy annually contributes $16-$18 million in shareholder-funded grants to approximately 2,000 nonprofit organizations in the communities where we operate. In addition, our employees volunteer more than 100,000 hours in those communities' values at more than $3 million.

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