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ESG: Taking Root or on Fire?

Global perspectives on communicating about ESG

ESG: Taking Root or on Fire?

Global perspectives on communicating about ESG

Published 12-20-23

Submitted by PROI

PROI webinar information with headshots of those attending and talking at the event

December 20, 2023 /CSRwire/ - It’s become standard practice for companies to recognize the need to report and communicate about their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Yet, in some regions, that emphasis has increasingly come under fire. Join leaders from the largest global network of independent communications firms, PROI, as they discuss the state of ESG communications for 2024 beyond. Dave Armon, CEO of 3BL, hosts this timely discussion to provide insights for any organization concerned about navigating the complex ESG global landscape – with both external and internal stakeholders.

Contact: PROI Worldwide
Doug Hampel

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