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Kohler’s 2022 Believing in Better Report: Becoming the Most Transparent, Accountable, and Environmentally Friendly Company in Our Industry

Kohler’s 2022 Believing in Better Report: Becoming the Most Transparent, Accountable, and Environmentally Friendly Company in Our Industry

Published 12-01-23

Submitted by Kohler

Collage of photos from Kohler associates around the globe participating in Earth Hour

Originally published in Kohler's 2022 Believing in Better Impact Report


We are committed to establishing the Kohler brand as the most environmentally friendly brand in our industries by building awareness and driving action toward environmental issues in our company and with our customers, promoting the environmental benefits of our products and services, and educating our customers on how to reduce emissions, energy use, water use, and waste in their own lives.

In 2022 Kohler Power Systems launched a global campaign, Sustainable Future, to educate customers about the advances made to make its generators more environmentally friendly. These advances include the ability to replace diesel fossil fuel with renewable hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), which can help customers reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90%.

Kohler’s global Sustainability Champions are critical to increasing awareness of environmental issues throughout the company and spearheading sustainability initiatives. They also are a key part of addressing Kohler’s big rocks, the large challenges that are fundamental pillars to our operations but create large risks to our net-zero goals. The Big Rocks Sustainability Summit held in June 2022 brought together a cross-functional group of Sustainability Champions and technical leaders from our Kitchen & Bath operations to discuss challenges and develop strategies to improve water stewardship at plants in high-risk watersheds and reduce scope 1 emissions. The ideas generated at the summit are being driven by the Sustainability Champions who hosted the event through nine advanced-development projects that are progressing into the next year.

Earth Hour

On March 26 Kohler associates around the globe participated in Earth Hour, which is sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund to raise awareness of climate change by taking action to turn off nonessential lights for an hour. Nearly 200 associates participated, and Kohler donated $10,000 to the World Wildlife Fund.


CDP, formerly known as Carbon Disclosure Project, is a nonprofit charity that runs the global disclosure system for organizations to report their environmental impacts. We continue to enhance our public reporting of environmental metrics through CDP and in 2022 maintained a Water Security score of B and a Climate Change score of B.

Read the full 2022 Kohler Believing in Better Impact Report here.

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