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The Path to Net Zero: Progressive Topics, Workable Solutions

Enbridge leadership members discuss the energy transition at 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary

The Path to Net Zero: Progressive Topics, Workable Solutions

Enbridge leadership members discuss the energy transition at 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary

Published 11-09-23

Submitted by Enbridge Inc.

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Enbridge Senior Vice President Commercial Liquids Pipelines Marc Weil, second from left, speaks during a Monday panel discussion entitled Untapped Reserves 3.0: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Energy Sector during the 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary, Canada. Also participating were, from left, Connie Di Ciancio of Strathcona Resources, Pedro Miras of WPC Energy and moderator Whitney Hughes-Plummer of the Boston Consulting Group.

The context is clear.

At this week’s 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary, Canada, “the future of the entire (energy) sector will be examined under the lens of the path to net zero,” promise forum organizers.

With more than 5,000 delegates from 100-plus countries, 50 ministerial delegations and 700 expert speakers congregating in Calgary, the WPC, which runs from Sept. 17 through 21, represents the world’s premier oil, gas and energy forum.

“Information presented at the congress, as well as discussions and debates around progressive program topics, will help to define realistic, workable paths forward for the global energy industry to achieve a net-zero future,” according to the WPC website.

Enbridge was among the first North American midstream energy companies to set a hard target of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our operations by 2050—and as a diversified energy company, we are uniquely positioned to help accelerate the global transition to a cleaner energy future.

We also know that the energy transition requires a practical approach. With energy security and energy affordability taking a global spotlight in recent years, Enbridge is committed to lowering emissions while meeting growing energy demand; supporting our customers today while anticipating their needs tomorrow; and developing new energy sources while keeping energy costs in check.

Leadership figures from Enbridge, a WPC sponsor, are actively involved this week in a number of panel sessions:

  • Today, Tom Schwartz, Enbridge Senior Vice President of strategic projects and partnerships in our Liquids Pipelines business, moderated a panel on Indigenous economic reconciliation and inclusive participation with the goal of net zero by 2050.
  • Also today, Marc Weil, Enbridge Senior Vice President Commercial with our Liquids Pipelines business, took part in a strategic session on advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the energy sector.
  • Tuesday, Byron Neiles, Enbridge Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, will be involved in a panel exploring a new Canadian industrial innovation model that’s being exported to countries around the world.
  • And Thursday, Max Chan, Enbridge Senior Vice President and Corporate Development Officer, will engage in a dialogue on raising finance during the energy transformation.

Mr. Schwartz noted Monday’s panel was a discussion about “building new energy infrastructure the right way from the start—with meaningful economic participation by Indigenous groups.

“That’s why Enbridge is actively pursuing new projects in the energy transition space, including renewable energy and carbon capture and storage, with Indigenous co-investment as part of the equation from the initial stages of development,” he added. “This is new for both us and our partners, but we are both learning and developing stronger relationships as a result.”

Canada has the third-largest oil reserves in the world, and stands fourth in oil and gas production. As WPC organizers note, Canada is also a leader in hydrogen development, nuclear technology and carbon capture and storage (CCS)—and, “along with a strong clean tech industry, Canada is positioned to lead the way in all facets of the energy transition.”

Calgary was the last Canadian city to host the WPC, in 2000.

This week’s global congress is a “once-in-a-25-year opportunity for Canada to tell its story to a global audience,” Denis Painchaud, president of the Canadian organizing committee for the 24th WPC, told the Calgary Herald in July.

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About Enbridge

At Enbridge, our name spells out our mission: a bridge to a sustainable energy future. That bridge safely connects millions of people around the world to the energy they rely on every day, fueling quality of life. Whether it’s natural gas, oil or renewable power, the energy we deliver through networks spanning North America and our growing European offshore wind portfolio helps to heat homes, feed families, fuel vehicles and power industry. We’re investing in modern energy infrastructure to sustain access to secure, affordable energy. We’re also building on two decades of experience in renewable energy to advance new low-carbon energy technologies including hydrogen, renewable natural gas and carbon capture and storage. We’re committed to reducing the carbon footprint of the energy we deliver, and to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Enbridge’s common shares trade under the symbol ENB on the Toronto (TSX) and New York (NYSE) stock exchanges. To learn more, visit us at

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