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Can Health Tech Be the Most Helpful Technology of All?

We think so. We're working hard to create new ways for you to understand your health.

Can Health Tech Be the Most Helpful Technology of All?

We think so. We're working hard to create new ways for you to understand your health.

Published 10-26-23

Submitted by Abbott

Person sat in front of a tent smiling


Right now, someone, somewhere, just created something no one else has thought of before.

Human civilization is advancing in ways our ancestors could never have dreamed.

It’s a great time to be alive.

But it doesn’t always feel that way, does it?

Just look at how we treat our health. Is our high-tech society truly helping us understand it? At an individual level? The promise of technology still feels unfulfilled when it comes to the thing that matters most: your health.

Right now, a car can tell you exactly what’s wrong with it, and maybe even drive itself to the mechanic. But can you say the same when you wake up feeling sick, or even just “off”? Sometimes it seems like the world has prioritized machines over humans. There’s something fundamentally unfair about that.

So let’s change it.

Abbott is working hard to bring health and technology together. If we can give people a clearer picture and their doctors more information, we can make health technology the most helpful technology of all.

Let’s Put the Power of Health in Your Hands

As a first step, let’s put more people in control of managing their health.

Let’s give them what Mila Clarke has: data about her glucose level available minute by minute to help manage her diabetes.

Clarke went on an odyssey to find more information about her type 2 diabetes. Our FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitors helped deliver it. From there, hard data started revealing the health answers she’d been seeking.

“I like being able to personalize based on my knowledge of my body, and I love meeting my own goals,” Clarke said.

Connected devices, biowearables, next-generation diagnostics — these technologies exist. As Clarke’s example shows, they’re helping people, and we’re working every day to make them better for all.

Let’s Advance Better Health for More People

Wouldn’t it be nice — as you’re on the go, go, go — if care could always be close at hand?

Right now, for people living with Parkinson’s Disease, that’s no pipe dream. Our Neurosphere™ Virtual Clinic can connect them with their medical team to deliver therapy, instantly and securely, over Wi-Fi.

Just ask Craig Overman.1 At one point, he was consistently driving 90 minutes each way to see a neurologist — and it was taking him five-and-a-half hours, each way, to get to his hospital consultations.

Our Abbott Infinity™ DBS system helped change that math. Since receiving our deep brain stimulation device, he has been able to video chat with his doctor to receive remote therapy. As long as he can connect to the internet, he can find support.

Stories like that should give us all hope that, one day soon, we’ll be able to say, in earnest:

“It’s a great time to be alive.”

Explore how we're bringing health and technology together to put us all in greater control.

1 This story reflects one person's experience; not everyone will experience the same results. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of your treatment options.

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About Abbott and the Abbott Fund

The Abbott Fund is a philanthropic foundation established by Abbott in 1951. The Abbott Fund's mission is to create healthier global communities by investing in creative ideas that promote science, expand access to health care and strengthen communities worldwide. For more information, visit

Abbott is a global, broad-based health care company devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritionals, devices and diagnostics. The company employs nearly 90,000 people and markets its products in more than 130 countries. Abbott's news releases and other information are available on the company's website at

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