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Edison International 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report: Creating Greater Accountability in DEI

Edison International 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report: Creating Greater Accountability in DEI

Published 08-25-23

Submitted by Edison International

Group of four people in safety vests posed.

OU DEI Action Plans are a way for each OU to integrate DEI into day-to-day operations to help achieve business goals. Operational Excellence has prioritized both culture and talent development so we can sustain a physically and psychologically safe environment where all employees can achieve their professional best.”

MARC ULRICH | Vice President,

Operational Excellence, SCE

Edison International encompasses a vast array of jobs, from lineworkers to meteorologists to biologists. To serve this diverse population with greater accountability, we are creating DEI Action Plans per OU to tailor the employee experience across these functional areas. To inform the focus areas of each plan, OUs drew upon data such as Pulse Surveys, Space4Dialogue sessions and other internal surveys conducted by Culture Teams, to determine areas of opportunity. The areas of greatest opportunity became the focus areas for the DEI Action Plans: 1) Employee Development, 2) Recognition, 3) Culture/Psychological Safety and 4) Recruitment/Representation.

Leaders from all 16 OUs with the assistance of their human resources (HR) Business Partners and Culture Teams, developed DEI Action Plans focusing on two to four of the identified areas. Each focus area contains metrics and milestones to determine outcomes and ultimate impact. The DEI plans were finalized in 2022.

Info graphic. "Focus Areas by OU" pie chart showing representation.

Implementation of the plans began in Q4. Each plan contains quarterly metrics, with results measured by the end of 2023. Even at this early stage, we have experienced successes, such as:

  • SCE’s Transmission & Distribution (T&D) division launched a Navigator program in 2022 for new lineworkers. This program matches newly employed lineworkers with a mentor to assist with onboarding, answer questions and provide overall guidance and mentorship, as well as helping to build camaraderie with teammates.
  • SCE’s Customer Service (CS) division focused on recognition as a key element of its DEI Plan. Utilizing our companywide “Thankful Thursday” recognition campaign, CS saw a marked increase in the use of recognition tools such as customized e-cards, mobile apps, shout-outs in all-staff meetings and utilization of our corporate Yammer page for recognition. This has already yielded 56 CS Senior Vice President Yammer posts with 3,331 average views each.

As implementation of DEI Plans continue in 2023, we expect that alignment of the focus areas into day-to-day operations will create organizationwide impact and success in achieving OU business objectives.


SCE BRGs and Edison Energy* ERGs play a large role in putting DEI at the heart of our culture. Led by employees and backed by executive sponsors, Resource Groups create a space where people from different backgrounds, cultures, races, sexual orientations, abilities and experiences can connect to create innovation and progress in our workforce, workplace and communities. Each year, every BRG creates a business plan to align its programs and initiatives to company business goals. From discussing important topics like safety and environmental stewardship to providing opportunities for growth and community involvement, BRGs help to create a more inclusive and connected workplace. Edison Energy also supports two active ERGs, with additional ERGs on the horizon.

Through intersectionality we are achieving business impact leveraging our BRGs and Culture Teams to execute our OU DEI plans in partnership with HR business partners along with OU Leadership Teams.”

ERIC WATSON | Director of DEI, SCE

A band with singer, guitar, drum players.


Abilities Beyond Limits and Expectations (ABLE)

Founded 2017 — Promotes awareness and education around disabilities and strives to create greater disability inclusion


Founded 2016 — Celebrates the diverse Asian Pacific Islander cultures and promotes growth and leadership through various educational workshops, community and cultural events, corporate initiatives and outreach

Caregivers Connect 

Founded 2019 — Provides resources and advocates on behalf of families by providing support systems and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusivity


Founded 2008 — Supports company environmental initiatives, community partnerships, volunteer events and environmental campaigns

Latinos for Engagement, Advancement & Development (LEAD) 

Founded 1992 — Promotes awareness of Latino culture and contributions; provides opportunities for employee development and drives corporate initiatives


Founded 1999 —Engages LGBTQ+ and allies in personal and professional growth by providing career development opportunities, networking, mentoring and community involvement

A group of people posed in matching shirts.

Using Music to Celebrate Safety, Connection and Caring 

In 2018, five SCE colleagues — with the intention to promote community, teamwork, and fun — teamed up to form The Recharge Band. Performances began within SCE at internal meetings, and later extended to local restaurants that attracted a crowd of SCE colleagues eager to bond over music. Throughout the years, new members have joined the band, representing members of the SCE’s Safety Ambassadors for Edison (S.A.F.E. 24/7) and Valor BRGs and the Real Properties Safety Congress.

Native American Alliance 

Founded 2007 — Promotes awareness of Native American culture while advancing corporate objectives and serves as a link between the Native community and SCE through educational opportunities, cultural events and community outreach


Founded 1985 — Promotes diversity, advances career enhancement strategies and provides targeted coaching, mentoring and support to the company’s Black employees


Founded 2016 — Empowers employees to lead the company into the future by educating them about technologies that are shaping the company’s culture, business and industry

S.A.F.E. 24/7 

Founded 2012 — Strengthens SCE’s safety culture and supports the goal of working and living injury-free

A small group behind a table decorated in festive winter items.


Founded 2010 — Promotes awareness and understanding of the roles and contributions made by active and nonactive military employees and their families

Women’s Roundtable 

Founded 1976 — Empowers and promotes women’s career advancement


Power in Pride (PIP) 

Founded 2022 — Fosters awareness, equity and inclusivity; contributes to the personal and professional development of LGBTQ+ employees and delivers positive, measurable changes for LGBTQ+ employees

A volunteer with a box.


Founded 2021 — Advances and empowers women through education, discussion and mentorship by holding regular meetings, roundtables, workshops and networking events

View the full Edison International 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Report.

*Edison Energy is not the same company as Southern California Edison, the utility, and Edison Energy is not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission

A group of volunteers posed in front of a Homes 4 families booth.


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Edison International

Edison International

Edison International (NYSE:EIX), through its subsidiaries, is a generator and distributor of electric power and an investor in energy services and technologies, including renewable energy. Headquartered in Rosemead, Calif., Edison International is the parent company of Southern California Edison, one of the nation’s largest electric utilities.

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