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Celebrating Diversity and Empowering Entrepreneurs Year-Round: GoDaddy's Commitment to LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity

Celebrating Diversity and Empowering Entrepreneurs Year-Round: GoDaddy's Commitment to LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity

Published 08-10-23

Submitted by GoDaddy

Pride Flag.

GoDaddy proudly supports initiatives year-round dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Since its creation in 2014, GDUnited, a GoDaddy Employee Resource Group (ERG), has worked to help ensure that everyone – regardless of gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, or any other intersections – feels respected and can thrive at GoDaddy.

Employees designed the GDUnited ERG to help create an environment within the “walls” of GoDaddy where everyone can be true to who they are and stay informed on issues relating to LGBTQIA+ communities. GDUnited also identifies opportunities for GoDaddy to engage LGBTQIA+ consumers and recruit LGBTQIA+ employees.

For example, Geoffrey Brown, a member of GoDaddy's Content Creation and Education team and passionate member of GDUnited shares that this summer he collaborated with GoDaddy Studio to create compelling content centered around the .gay domain GoDaddy offers. This strategic initiative showcased GoDaddy's commitment to diversity and inclusion while contributing a portion of the proceeds to support various LGBTQIA+ causes.

Additionally, Geoffrey led a Pride in Business survey to better understand the needs and challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs. The survey aims to gather crucial insights that will enable GoDaddy to provide targeted support and address any existing gaps. “By identifying areas where support and resources are lacking, GoDaddy can work toward fostering an environment where LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs can thrive,” said Geoffrey.

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Photo: Geoffrey Brown, GoDaddy Content Creation and Education team 

According to GoDaddy’s Pride in Business survey, one in three LGBTQIA+ business owners encountered issues with online harassment or discrimination directed toward their business due to their identity. 

“This is a significant problem that not only affects the business owners themselves but also the wider LGBTQIA+ community,” said Geoffrey.

Harassment and discrimination can take various forms, including negative reviews, hate comments and cyberbullying, according to the survey. Geoffrey outlines three steps organizations can take to help combat this issue:

  1. Create general awareness and highlight the need for LGBTQIA+ inclusion and acceptance in society. This can be done through campaigns, social media posts and events that celebrate the diversity and contributions of the LGBTQIA+ business owners.
  2. Provide support and resources for LGBTQIA+ business owners who face online harassment and discrimination. This can include recommending local nonprofits and community organizations who offer legal assistance, counseling and online safety training for small business owners. It’s also important to encourage those affected to report any instances of harassment or discrimination to the relevant authorities and social media platforms.
  3. As an individual, showcase contributions toward creating a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity and allow others to follow your path. This can be achieved by promoting diversity and inclusion in schools, workplaces and communities, as well as day-to-day support of people in the community.

Geoffrey's passion for advancing inclusivity through GoDaddy's initiatives serves as an inspiration for both GoDaddy's employees and the wider community. His dedication aligns with GoDaddy's mission to empower entrepreneurs everywhere, making opportunity more inclusive for all .

For more in-depth insights into GoDaddy's Pride in Business survey, visit the link and discover how data-driven efforts can drive positive change.

Visit GoDaddy’s full Resource Library for additional stories, surveys and small business tips:

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GoDaddy is empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world by providing all of the help and tools to succeed online. GoDaddy is the place people come to name their idea, build a professional website, attract customers, sell their products and services, and manage their work. Our mission is to give our customers the tools, insights and the people to transform their ideas and personal initiative into success. To learn more about the company, visit

About GoDaddy for Good

GoDaddy focuses on making opportunity more inclusive for all in the communities where we work, live and play across the globe. We rally behind inclusive entrepreneurship and other critical local needs that empower people to succeed through philanthropic and in-kind donations, volunteerism, strategic partnerships and advocacy.

Empower by GoDaddy 

Empower by GoDaddy is GoDaddy's global community and philanthropic program equipping entrepreneurs in underserved communities with training, tools and peer networks to accelerate their journeys. GoDaddy rallies behind entrepreneurs in underserved communities by building their confidence and skills to strengthen their small business’ digital presence.  Entrepreneurs engage in customized learning experiences, work 1-1 with GoDaddy volunteer coaches and local mentors, and gain access to wrap-around services, in-kind products and networks boosting their small businesses success.

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