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Here Are 20 Winning Schools in the Regina (Sofidel Group) and WWF Italy Environmental Education Project for the 2030 Agenda

Here Are 20 Winning Schools in the Regina (Sofidel Group) and WWF Italy Environmental Education Project for the 2030 Agenda

Published 07-12-23

Submitted by Sofidel

A room of children and a desk at the front stacked with paper products.

The 2022/2023 edition of the initiative led schools, students, and families to discover small daily actions that are good for the environment and can contribute to the responsible use of water and to avoid its waste. It drew to a successful close with widespread participation.

PORCARI (LUCCA), Italy /CSRwire/ - More than 5,300 classes and 117,500 students, with the support of 7,800 parents, friends, and relatives, joined – together with teachers and instructors – in the 2022/2023 edition of “Mi Curo di Te” (I’ll Take Care of You), the environmental education program promoted by WWF Italy and Regina (Sofidel Group) to discover, understand and love our planet. The project is part of RiGenerazione Scuola, the national plan of Italy’s Ministry of Education and Merit for the ecological and cultural transition of Italian schools.

Building on the knowledge of the UN 2030 Agenda, the ninth edition of the project steered children and young people towards discussing the topic of water scarcity and pollution and the impact of these phenomena on the state of health of the oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. Teachers of the participating classes downloaded the teaching kit with interactive games, teaching sheets, and digital quizzes from the dedicated website to introduce the topic addressed in the classroom and organize workshops and hands-on activities.

Finally, the students gave free rein to their creativity in a class product that was the result of their reflections on the topic: a poster for elementary schools that described the details, curiosities, and emotions aroused by the course they took; a class slogan for middle schools, aimed at raising awareness of the responsible use of water resources and the daily actions that each person can adopt to help limit water waste.

Of the 1,130 elementary and middle schools in Italy that took part in the initiative, 20 won awards. Below are the rankings:

  1. Elementary School “S. D. Savio – T. Fiore” in Gravina in Puglia (Bari); Middle School “A. Balzico” in Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno).Award: 1,000 Euro worth of vouchers for teaching materials;
  2. Elementary School “G. Modugno” in Barletta (Barletta-Andria-Trani); Middle School “Angri Galvani-Opromolla” in Angri (Salerno).Award: 600 Euro worth of vouchers;
  3. Elementary School “L. Settembrini” in Maddaloni (Caserta); Middle School “Piana – Capo d’Orlando (Messina). Award: 400 Euro worth of vouchers.

All schools ranked up to 6th place– along with four elementary and four middle schools drawn at random (among those not awarded prizes) – also received a supply of Regina products and teacher access to the WWF Italy’s platform OnePlanetSchool.

Elena Faccio, Sofidel Group Creative & Communication Director comments: “Each edition of ‘Mi Curo di Te’, for nine years, has shown us that children and young people are very attentive to issues related to sustainability and environmental protection. The large participation in the project also confirms the awareness that the new generations have of the urgency of having to do something useful, starting with everyday gestures, and their ability to raise awareness and involve adults in virtuous practices.

Martina Alemanno, WWF Italy Education Office Manager adds: “The educational project ‘Mi Curo di Te’ allows classes to get to know and deepen the topics of the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, learning how to take care of our planet starting from daily actions. Through courses like these, which involve the younger generations, teachers and families, we can encourage changes in behavior and lifestyle choices capable of creating a better, healthy, and equitable future for all. Education is the first tool to produce the cultural change necessary for a sustainable future, so that tomorrow’s citizens become real agents of change, equipping themselves with knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that enable them to make informed decisions and act responsibly.”

The project is ready to restart at the beginning of the 2023/2024 school year: the topic of the new edition will be linked to the 12th Sustainable Development Goal of the UN 2030 Agenda: “Responsible consumption and production” (SDG 12).

To learn more, visit the website (in Italian):

About The Sofidel Group     

The Sofidel Group, a privately held company owned by the Stefani and Lazzareschi families, is a world leader in the manufacture of paper for hygienic and domestic use. Founded in 1966, the Group has subsidiaries in 12 countries – Italy, Spain, the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania, and the USA - with more than 6,400 employees. A member of the UN Global Compact and the international WWF Climate Savers program, the Sofidel Group considers sustainability a strategic imperative and is committed to promoting sustainable development.  For more information, visit         

Media Contact:     

Brianna Fitzpatrick 

Mulberry Marketing Communications

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The Sofidel Group is one of the leading manufacturers of paper for hygienic and domestic use worldwide. Established in 1966, the Group has subsidiaries in 13 countries – Italy, Spain, the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania and the USA – with more than 6,000 employees, net sales of 2,095 million Euros (2021) and a production capacity of over one million tonnes per year (1,440,000 tonnes in 2021). “Regina”, its most well-known brand, is present on almost all the reference markets. Other brands include: Softis, Le Trèfle, Sopalin, KittenSoft, Nalys, Cosynel, Lycke, Nicky, Papernet. A member of the UN Global Compact and the international WWF Climate Savers programme, the Sofidel Group considers sustainability a strategic factor with regards to growth and is committed to reducing its impact on natural capital and maximising social benefits, setting as objective the creation of shared added value for all stakeholders. Sofidel’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets to 2030 have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as consistent with reductions required to keep warming to well-below 2°C, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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