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The Untapped Climate Opportunity in Alternative Proteins

A new Climate Financing Opportunity

The Untapped Climate Opportunity in Alternative Proteins

A new Climate Financing Opportunity

Published 06-28-23

Submitted by GreenMoney Journal

Investment in Plant-based Proteins

by Sagar Tandon, Partner, Beyond Animal

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our planet today. With greenhouse gas emissions continuing to rise, it is imperative that we find innovative solutions to reduce emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. One promising solution is the development of alternative proteins, which could offer a significant and untapped opportunity for climate financing.

Alternative proteins, which include plant-based proteins, cultured meat, and fermentation-based have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture drastically. Animal agriculture is responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions, with estimates ranging from 14.5% to 51% of all emissions. By developing alternative proteins, we could significantly reduce these emissions and help to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The numbers speak for themselves. According to a report from RethinkX, a think tank focused on technology-driven disruption, alternative proteins could capture up to 10% of the global meat market by 2035.

Read Sagar full article featuring Biodiversity and Animal Agriculture as well as Alternative Proteins as a Climate Financing Opportunity - all here -


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