Published 06-15-23
Submitted by Georgia-Pacific
ATLANTA, June 15, 2023 /CSRwire/ - Plastic waste doesn’t have to be waste at all. It can be a resource.
With the support of GP Recycling, the Center for Regenerative Design and Collaboration (CRDC Global) is converting plastics into a concrete additive called RESIN8. Now instead of ending up in a landfill or the ocean, those plastics can be used to make the concrete that goes into homes, businesses and infrastructure.
“First and foremost, the big value of RESIN8 is keeping the plastic out of landfills,” said Kevin Butts, director of strategy and business development for GP Recycling. “On top of that, you’re able to substitute plastic for traditional aggregates to improve the performance characteristics of the concrete.”
Concrete produced with RESIN8 is lighter and provides better insulation, according to CRDC Global. In non-structural concrete applications, RESIN8 can improve insulation by up to 35%, per CRDC Global. RESIN8 is suitable for numerous applications including concrete blocks, pavers, grouts, mortars, and even hot-mix asphalt. So where does CRDC Global get the plastic it needs to make RESIN8? That’s where GP Recycling comes in.
GP Recycling supports CRDC Global’s first U.S. facility in York, Pennsylvania, as a direct supplier of plastic feedstock. But the partnership goes beyond just providing supply. GP Recycling also serves as a strategic and logistical partner, helping CRDC Global manage partnerships with other plastic feedstock suppliers.
RESIN8 from CRDC Global’s first facility in San José, Costa Rica, has already been used for Habitat for Humanity building projects in Latin America. Ten concrete companies in the U.S. and Canada are currently exploring incorporation of RESIN8 into their products. And as awareness and use of RESIN8 becomes more widespread in the states, CRDC Global and GP Recycling expect to work closely to scale up supply and bring this innovative solution to more people.
“We see CRDC Global as a unique solution because they take all plastics. They aren’t limited to just certain grades,” Kevin said. “So given that broad range of feedstock, we see them being able to help communities throughout the country find value for different types of plastics.”
The collaboration is yet another example of how GP Recycling is pursuing mutually beneficial partnerships with waste processors and with the companies that use recycled scrap—partnerships that create value for consumers while also minimizing waste and improving environmental performance.
After just four years of collaboration, GP Recycling and CRDC Global have only begun to explore what’s possible in the pursuit of creating value from plastic feedstock.
View original content here.
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