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IBM: Water Management Innovation for Underserved Populations

IBM: Water Management Innovation for Underserved Populations

Published 03-29-23

Submitted by IBM

A person seated at a circular table with microphone and placard "#wateraction" Others to their sides and seated behind them.

On World Water Day at the 2023 United Nations Water Conference, IBM hosted a side event at the UN headquarters in New York to provide the first formal impact and innovation updates on two on-going projects at the intersection of water and sustainable agriculture in its IBM Sustainability Accelerator is a pro-bono social impact program. The session, “Water Management Innovation for Underserved Populations,” included a high-level discussion with leading water innovation experts on the power and importance of partnerships and initiatives such as the Sustainability Accelerator to speed up and scale nonprofit and governmental organization environmental sustainability initiatives supporting vulnerable populations.

Watch the discussion here

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