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Two Weeks Left To Submit a Nomination for Sofidel’s Sustainable Hygiene Heroes Contest

Chance to win $5,000 in cash prizes ends on January 27

Two Weeks Left To Submit a Nomination for Sofidel’s Sustainable Hygiene Heroes Contest

Chance to win $5,000 in cash prizes ends on January 27

Published 01-16-23

Submitted by Sofidel

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HORSHAM, Penn., January 16, 2023 /CSRwire/ - There are only two weeks remaining to nominate a hardworking individual of a small business or facility for the 2022-2023 Sustainable Hygiene Heroes awards, hosted by Sofidel, a leading global provider of paper for hygienic and domestic use.

The contest honors facility maintenance and cleaning professionals who go above and beyond to provide clean and safe facilities, while implementing sustainable cleaning practices. The grand prize winner will receive $4,000 cash and $500 worth of paper products from Sofidel, and the two runners-up will receive $500 cash each.

“We are excited to honor cleaning professionals and facility managers across the country who have made strides at their facility to protect people and the planet through sanitation and hygiene,” said Fabio Vitali, Vice President of Marketing, Sofidel America.

Each submission will be judged by a panel for its compellingness, the nominee’s quality of service, and their commitment to sustainability and dedication.

“There are a variety of ways to make a difference while keeping sustainable hygiene in mind, from implementing a recycling program, to switching to microfiber towels, etc.,” Vitali added.

The nomination period closes on the evening of January 27. To nominate someone for the Sustainable Hygiene Heroes awards, visit

About The Sofidel Group  
The Sofidel Group, a privately held company owned by the Stefani and Lazzareschi families, is a world leader in the manufacture of paper for hygienic and domestic use. Founded in 1966, the Group has subsidiaries in 12 countries – Italy, Spain, the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania, and the USA - with more than 6,400 employees. A member of the UN Global Compact and the international WWF Climate Savers program, the Sofidel Group considers sustainability a strategic imperative and is committed to promoting sustainable development. For more information, visit


Media Contact:
Brianna Fitzpatrick
Mulberry Marketing Communications

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The Sofidel Group is one of the leading manufacturers of paper for hygienic and domestic use worldwide. Established in 1966, the Group has subsidiaries in 13 countries – Italy, Spain, the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania and the USA – with more than 6,000 employees, net sales of 2,095 million Euros (2021) and a production capacity of over one million tonnes per year (1,440,000 tonnes in 2021). “Regina”, its most well-known brand, is present on almost all the reference markets. Other brands include: Softis, Le Trèfle, Sopalin, KittenSoft, Nalys, Cosynel, Lycke, Nicky, Papernet. A member of the UN Global Compact and the international WWF Climate Savers programme, the Sofidel Group considers sustainability a strategic factor with regards to growth and is committed to reducing its impact on natural capital and maximising social benefits, setting as objective the creation of shared added value for all stakeholders. Sofidel’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets to 2030 have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as consistent with reductions required to keep warming to well-below 2°C, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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