Published 11-11-20
Submitted by GMO Free USA
UNIONVILLE, Conn., November 11, 2020 /CSRwire/ — National nonprofit GMO Free USA has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of Scotts Miracle-Gro Company’s genetically modified (GM), Roundup-Ready, ProVista brand turf grass and seed. The nonprofit is calling on major retailers to pledge that they won’t sell the herbicide-tolerant GM grass.
GMO Free USA sent letters today to the CEOs of retailers Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, Costco, Ace Hardware, and True Value asking them to pledge not to sell Scotts’ ProVista or any other GM grass. GMO Free USA is also calling for a national boycott of Scotts’ consumer products until the corporation ceases to develop and market GM grass. The nonprofit launched a petition on the petition site CARE2 and will work to raise awareness, educate consumers, and grow the boycott.
Scotts is the exclusive consumer-market distributor of Bayer’s Roundup weedkiller. Scotts, and Bayer-owned Monsanto, genetically engineered Roundup-tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue Turfgrass for residential and commercial use in order to sell more Roundup. The ProVista brand grass can be sprayed with Roundup, killing weeds while leaving the grass unblemished.
Over 150,000 people are suing Bayer-Monsanto after developing cancer attributed to contact with Roundup weedkiller. Numerous peer-reviewed studies link Roundup/glyphosate exposure to cancer, chronic kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, microbiome disruption and inflammation. The herbicide is genotoxic, neurotoxic, an endocrine disruptor and is linked to male infertility.
“One only has to look at the contemporary history of conventional agriculture to see the trajectory of this corporation’s scheme. GM grass adoption and Roundup overuse will result in herbicide-resistant superweeds, leading to increased use of toxic herbicides needed to control evolving weeds. This product will result in widespread pollution of soil, water and air and will put public health and the environment at risk,” says Luan Van Le, Communications Director for GMO Free USA.
“It is sickening to think that Scotts is pursuing additional channels to increase the exposure of families and their vulnerable children and pets to this dangerous chemical. There is so much evidence of harm that it’s mind-boggling,” says Diana Reeves, Executive Director of GMO Free USA.
GMO Free USA is calling on Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, Costco, Ace Hardware, and True Value to publicly pledge that they won’t sell Scotts’ GM grass. The nonprofit is urging its supporters and the nation to boycott Scotts’ consumer products until they cease development and marketing of GM grass.
The public petition can be found here:
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GMO Free USA/Toxin Free USA is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocating for a clean, healthy food system and educating consumers about the hazards of GMOs, synthetic pesticides and other toxins.
Media contact: Diana Reeves, 347-921-1466,
GMO Free USA’s mission is to harness independent science and agroecological concepts to advocate for sustainable food and ecological systems. We will educate consumers and other stakeholders about the potential hazards of genetically engineered organisms and advance the application of the Precautionary Principle.
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