Published 02-13-18
Submitted by Global Impact
IMPACT2030 announces a partnership with Better World Leadership (BWL) to develop human capital for a sustainable world. In a recent study, BWL provided evidence that nonprofit board service is an effective pathway for companies seeking to grow shareholder value by advancing diversity and inclusion, developing human capital for innovation, and fostering economic development to achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BWL is conducting further studies in 2018, presenting webinars, and convening global companies seeking to establish, enhance, and expand their nonprofit board service programs worldwide.
The Better World Leadership study was conducted by Alice Korngold, Korngold Consulting LLC, with the support and participation of American Express, Dow Chemical, HP, Johnson Controls, PIMCO, Symantec, Datamaran, and the World Environment Center.
“IMPACT2030 is ideally suited to support nonprofit board service among companies because of the strong support from its corporate partners for advancing the impact of human capital investments for the SDGs,” said Sue Stephenson, Vice Chair and Interim CEO at IMPACT2030. “By serving as the Strategic Partner of BWL, IMPACT2030 will promote its goals to develop human capital for a more sustainable future.”
Anchored by SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals, IMPACT2030 is a private sector-led organization, in collaboration with the United Nations, social and public sectors, and academia, with the unique mission to activate human capital investments through employee volunteer programs to advance the achievement of the SDGs. For more information visit
Alice Korngold, President & CEO, Korngold Consulting, LLC, is the author of Better World Leadership. She provides strategy advisory services to international companies and nonprofits. The author of A Better World, Inc.: How Companies Profit by Solving Global Problems…Where Governments Cannot, Korngold’s areas of expertise are board governance, sustainability/CSR, diversity and inclusion, and measurement and ratings. She has trained and matched several hundred business executives and professionals on nonprofit boards. More information is available at
For further information, contact: Alice Korngold,
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