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Register Today for the 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit

Start Innovating in Shared Value Labs

Register Today for the 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit

Published 04-21-16

Submitted by Shared Value Initiative

In just 3 short weeks, thought leaders, practitioners and intrapreneurs from around the world will gather for the 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit at the Conrad New York on May 10-11, 2016 to discuss how global companies are driving and enabling solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems.

The Shared Value Initiative has gathered some of the best and brightest from all sectors—Dr. Jim Yong Kim - The World Bank, Alan Murray - Fortune Magazine, Helena Foulkes - CVS/pharmacy, Angela Glover Blackwell - Policy Link and David Blood - Generation Investment, just to name a few—for discussions that will highlight the model for collective action in shared value; investor perspectives on long-termism; the business case for sustainability; and the role of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in setting an opportunity agenda for shared value solutions and strategies. 

And if the impressive list of plenary speakers isn't enough to entice you, consider the 10 Shared Value Labs - interactive workshops that feature hands-on problem solving with other practitioners from across sectors and geographies. You'll leave the lab with tangible next steps for changing the world – whether it's an action agenda for the field to-do list for applying the shared value approach to your organization. 

Participants will take part in labs on both the power of the individual corporation and collective action, digging deep over a 2-hour working session. To whet your palate, here's a sampling: 

"‹How Can You Participate?

Time is running out to register for the 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit. Visit the Summit event page for details including a full agenda and travel information. Follow #SVLeaders on Twitter as we gear up for the big event!

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Shared Value Initiative

Shared Value Initiative

Guided by FSG and a global network of funders, the Shared Value Initiative was created in 2012 to drive the adoption and implementation of shared value strategies by organizations around the world. FSG is a nonprofit strategy consulting firm co-founded in 1999 by Mark Kramer and Michael E. Porter, authors of “Creating Shared Value” (Harvard Business Review; 2011). Join our global community of practice at

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