Published 10-28-00
Submitted by SCS Global Services
(Marketwired) - Leading forest carbon offset verifier SCS Global Services (SCS) announced today that it has completed a third-party validation and verification of the MJUMITA Community Forest Project. Located in the Lindi region of Tanzania, MJUMITA (Mtandao wa Jamii wa Usimamizi wa Misitu or the Tanzania Community Forest Network) employs extensive community engagement strategies to protect regional forests.
Through the validation and verification process, SCS confirmed that a net reduction of 1,350,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) will occur over the 30-year crediting period. In order to achieve validation and verification, the MJUMITA Community Forest Project satisfied seventeen specific criteria under the Climate Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS), and demonstrated conformance to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).
Going above and beyond the CCBS criteria, MJUMITA met Gold Level requirements for providing Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits, Exceptional Community Benefits, and Climate Change Adaptation Benefits. Additionally, MJUMITA was the first project to be both validated and verified to the Third Edition of the CCBS.
"MJUMITA has taken exceptional measures to assist communities and ecosystems in adapting to probable impacts of climate change," said Dr. Robert J. Hrubes, Executive Vice President of SCS. "As a result, we are pleased to affirm that this project has achieved Gold Level status under the CCBS and complies with the VCS."
The offset value of this project will be achieved through mitigation of unplanned deforestation. Enhanced by the Gold Level CCBS criteria, MJUMITA is a model Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) project. SCS completed the validation and verification of MJUMITA concurrently, conducting an extensive site visit in August of 2014.
Ten villages, represented by MJUMITA in its capacity as project proponent, have taken an active role in forest management. Land within the project area is now overseen by village-led natural resource committees, resulting in more than 41,924 hectares of coastal forest and woodlands designated for conservation.
The collaborative approach employed by project personnel initiated a high level of community buy-in, leading to a resilient and adaptive land management plan geared toward long term success. Conservation activities in the project area also protect the critically endangered Rondo Bushbaby.
"The MJUMITA Community Forest Project is a pioneering programmatic REDD+ project implementing unique revenue sharing to ensure equitable allocation of project benefits," said Theron Brown, Technical Advisor for MJUMITA. "Additionally, the project has unparalleled strategies to avoid deforestation that is spreading beyond current project boundaries."
About SCS Global Services: SCS Global Services has been providing global leadership in third-party sustainability certification, auditing, testing and standards development for thirty years. Having assessed REDD+ projects in Cambodia, Columbia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Madagascar Brazil and Peru, SCS has extensive expertise evaluating forest carbon using a variety of methodologies and standards. The scope of SCS' work also includes carbon projects in the agricultural and industrial sectors, as well as corporate carbon footprint and neutrality verifications. SCS is a chartered California Benefit Corporation, reflecting a commitment to socially and environmentally responsible business
About MJUMITA: MJUMITA promotes networking and cooperation processes among local communities living adjacent to natural forests. Aiming to improve the capacity to engage in a meaningful way with management and conservation of natural forests, and advocate for increased ownership and utilization of land and forests, MJUMITA's mission is to provide knowledge, build capacity and link communities with local networks.
SCS is a leading third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services, and standards, founded in 1984. Our goal is to recognize the highest levels of performance in food safety and quality, environmental protection and social responsibility in the private and public sectors, and to stimulate continuous improvement in sustainable development.
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