$10.5 Million in New Grants from The Coca-Cola Foundation Will Spark Sustainability Efforts on Six Continents
Second Quarter Grants Support Global Priorities and Local Innovation
Published 08-30-12
Submitted by The Coca-Cola Foundation
Sixty-eight community organizations in 41 countries around the world were awarded a total of $10.5 million in grants from The Coca-Cola Foundation, the global philanthropic arm of The Coca-Cola Company, during the second quarter of 2012. These grants support the Foundation’s global priority areas, including:
$3.2 million for active, healthy living;
$2.9 million for water stewardship;
$780,000 for community recycling;
$630,000 for education; and
$3 million for other local priorities, such as youth development, community improvement, economic development and environmental responsibility.
“These grants represent our ongoing investment in the sustainability and the well-being of thousands of communities around the world,” said Ingrid Saunders Jones, Chairperson of The Coca-Cola Foundation. “Our investment is designed to have real impact, by helping local communities with innovative ways to meet global challenges.”
These sustainable community grants will benefit:
1.8 million students and 164 colleges, universities and schools who will receive education program support and scholarships;
1.2 million youth and adults who will have access to fitness and nutrition programs;
1.1 million people who will be involved in recycling awareness and education programs worldwide, and able to collect more than 470 tons of debris; and
300,000 people will be provided with improved water systems, sanitation and education, conserving 7.2 billion liters of water;
Organizations awarded grant funding from The Coca-Cola Foundation during the second quarter, include:
Aktif Yasam Dernegi, Story of Active Kids, benefiting 10,000 children by analyzing physical and social activities and by building on the successful Active Schools program, Turkey, $135,000.
American Diabetes Association, Diabetes Education and Outreach to the Latino Community, benefiting 16,000 children and adults through programs in Los Angeles, including a Latino Health Fair, United States, $25,000.
American Diabetes Association, Live Empowered, benefiting 6,000 children and adults in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, Northern New Jersey and Washington, D.C. with the expansion of diabetes awareness and prevention initiatives, United States, $100,000.
American Dietetic Association Foundation, Helping The Nation Eat Right And Move More, expanding the Kids Eat Right campaign to benefit 3,000 children and their families, United States, $100,000.
America’s State Parks Foundation, Youth Ambassador Recruitment Campaign, engaging up to 2,000 youth in raising awareness of outdoor recreational opportunities at state parks, United States, $50,000.
The Armory Foundation, Armory College Prep, to support 250 student-athletes from underserved communities in New York City, United States, $50,000.
Big Sur International Marathon, Just Run Youth Activity Program, to teach more than 11,000 students in 120 schools throughout California about running and a healthy lifestyle, United States, $50,000.
Can Do Houston, Let’s Move in Magnolia Park, to serve 500 residents of the Magnolia Park neighborhood in Houston with expanded, low-cost exercise programs, United States, $25,000.
Children’s Medical Center Foundation, Center for Obesity and Its Consequences on Health, benefiting 3,000 children and adults in the Dallas metropolitan area with training to make healthy lifestyle changes, United States, $25,000.
Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk E.V. (German Children Fund), Study on Acceptance, Development and Quality of Playground and Public Spaces for Children, to educate urban planners on the need for parks and green spaces in communities, benefiting 5,400 children and adults, Germany, $132,000.
E.U.C. Research Centre Limited, Nicosia Elementary School Intervention Program for Healthy Food and Lifestyle Choices, to help 2,000 students and their families adopt healthy and active lifestyles, Cyprus, $120,000.
Excellence In Paediatrics Institute, Active Healthy Living: Energy Balance from Theory to Practice, for a study to benefit 150,000 children, creating online training courses for more than 5,000 pediatricians, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, United Kingdom, $670,000.
Good Sports, Good Sports 2012 – Youth Sports & Fitness Program, benefiting 40,000 youth in sports and fitness programs in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco, United States, $200,000.
Illinois African-American Coalition for Prevention, Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It! (MEND), benefiting more than 400 African-American and Latino children and families inChicago-area neighborhoods, United States, $100,000.
John Tung Foundation, Rope Skipping for Healthy Lifestyles, benefiting 15,000 elementary school students and teachers, Taiwan, $100,000.
Latvian Association of Dietary and Nutrition Specialists, Healthy Nutrition Program for Schools, to provide weekly active healthy living and nutrition programming to over 11,000 students, Latvia, $20,000.
National Black Nurses Association, Preventive Health Action Team – “PHAT,” benefiting 2,000 residents of African-American communities served by 15 local chapters of the Association, United States, $100,000.
Olympic Council of Malaysia, “Move Malaysia,” An Active Healthy Living Initiative including “Exercise is Medicine,” benefiting 5,700 students, teachers and community leaders with the national launch of exercise and nutrition programs, Malaysia, $250,000.
Portland After School Tennis & Education, Inc., Eat Wise and Exercise, benefiting at-risk children in grades K-12 in Portland, Oregon, United States, $25,000.
Put Up Your Dukes Foundation, Inc., Chachersize Academic Burst Curriculum, benefiting 24,000 children in the Atlanta Public Schools, United States, $25,000.
Quality Net Work, “Moderation-Balance-Diversity” Health & Wellness, National Education Program, benefiting 15,000 students in partnership with the Ministries of Education and Health, Greece, $228,900.
Special Olympics Ukraine, “When We Compete, We Can’t See Differences,” benefiting 1,200 youth and adults participating in sporting competitions, Ukraine, $20,000.
UAB Educational Foundation, UAB Exercise Study, for a research study on the benefits of traditional endurance and high-intensity interval exercise, United States, $300,000.
University of South Carolina Educational Foundation, School-Based Program to Promote Physical Activity and Good Nutrition to Prevent Childhood Obesity, benefiting 200 children and their parents, United States, $200,000.
Vive En Forma, Vive En Forma, benefiting more than 670,000 Hispanic children and adults through the “Get Fit for Life” series of events and activities in the Chicago area, United States, $100,000.
YMCA of Greater New York, “Food & Fun/Move-To-Improve,” benefiting 10,000 children in programs at 96 YMCA After School Academies, United States, $50,000.
Water Stewardship
Daphne – Institute of Applied Ecology,Water for Life, benefiting conservation and restoration of Central European ecosystems and 400 students involved in water conservation projects, Slovakia, $25,000.
Earth Day Network Philippines, Inc., Agos Ram Pump Project, benefiting 14,000 residents in 20 upland communities through construction of water systems, Philippines, $423,388.
Ege Dernegi (Aegean Association), The Kozluoren Pond Project, benefiting 3,200 residents and farmers with the construction of a rainwater harvesting pond, Turkey, $115,000.
Foundation for Rural Recovery and Development, Watershed Development around the Sambhar Salt Lake, Rajasthan, benefiting 110,000 people in 16 villages with construction of 22 rainwater harvesting structures, India, $450,768.
Fundación Para La Sostenibilidad Y La Equidad, The Water Vigilants Program 2012, reducing water consumption in schools by 50 percent, conserving 37 million liters of water and benefiting 5,300 students, Costa Rica, $60,000.
Haritika, Watershed Project, Mahoba, Bundelkhand, to construct 11 check dams in five villages, benefiting 10,800 villagers, India, $226,250.
N.M. Sadguru Water and Development Foundation, Jalagrahan, A Watershed Project in District Banswara, Rajasthan, benefiting families of tribal farmers through ground water recharge initiatives, India, $428,700.
Population and Community Development Association, Clean Water for Communities: Solar Powered Water Systems, improving the rural water supply for 2,250 residents in three villages in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand, $120,000.
Universitat Jaume I, Facing The Seawater Intrusion Recharging Coastal Aquifers with Regenerated Waters (Phase ll),benefiting 20,000 people, Spain, $143,000.
World Wide Fund For Nature – Pakistan, Improving Sub-Watershed Management and Environmental Awareness around Ayubia National Park (G200-Western Himalayas) – Phase VI, introducing improved agricultural practices and research to benefit 27,800 local citizens, Pakistan, $150,000.
World Wide Fund For Nature – Greece, Volunteer Network for Protection of Greek Island Wetlands, to establish volunteer conservation networks and awareness programs, benefiting 7,000 residents, Greece, $138,000.
World Wildlife Fund, Inc., Great Barrier Reef Sustainable Freshwater Revitalization Project, providing support to local sugarcane farmers for best practices that improve the water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, $515,000.
WWF Polska, Water Ecosystem Protection and Water-Saving Education, engaging 50,000 people in water-related issues and conservation, Poland, $80,000.
Fundacion Galapagos Ecuador, Waste and Water Management Systems on Galapagos Islands, to minimize the environmental impact of human activities on the Galapagos Islands, a World Heritage site, benefiting 150,000 residents and tourists who visit the area, Ecuador, $40,000.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Inc., Community Grants for Beverage Container Recycling Program, to improve community recycling in high-impact areas, benefiting 60,000 people, New Zealand, $150,000.
Städa Sverige/Pool2tusen, Clean Beaches 2012, to involve 1 million citizens in recycling education and community efforts to collect 70 tons of waste, Sweden, $340,000.
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Recycle to Cycle, to establish a campus recycling program and reward participating students with bicycles for transportation, encouraging conservation and exercise, Malaysia, $250,000.
The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation, Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership, to expand the Partnership’s Learning Centers, benefiting 200,000 students and 4,500 teachers, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Namibia and South Africa, $100,000.
The Coca-Cola Australia Foundation, Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience, benefiting 2,000 university and high school students, Australia, $77,143.
Georgia Research Alliance, “Future Quest Georgia” Planning, to support a multi-media science initiative with Georgia Public Broadcasting, benefiting 1.6 million students, teachers and residents, United States, $25,000.
Harvard Kennedy School – Center for Public Leadership, Latino Leadership Initiative, benefiting 50 Latino students in an intensive leadership development program, United States, $75,000.
Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Opportunity Scholarships, benefiting 12,500 students from school districts and youth education organizations, United States, $100,000.
The Howard School Inc., Financial Aid Scholarships, to provide need-based scholarships for six students from the Atlanta Public Schools, United States, $50,000.
The Mentoring Partnership of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Promise Coaches, to support a mentoring initiative to benefit 1,000 high school students, United States, $100,000.
Yayasan Ancora (The Ancora Foundation), Vocational Studies Scholarships, to expand the Coca-Cola Vocational Scholarship Program to 52 deserving students from institutions throughout Java, Indonesia, $100,222.
Seventeen organizations worldwide will receive nearly $3 million in grants to support youth development, community improvement, economic development and environmental responsibility initiatives:
The Coca-Cola Australia Foundation – Beacon Foundation, Beacon Program, to provide in-school skills training and mentoring to more than 3,000 at-risk youth, Australia, $77,143.
The Coca-Cola Australia Foundation – Beyond Empathy Ltd, “Breaking Barriers, Building Futures,” for an arts intervention program benefiting 550 at-risk youth, Australia, $102,857.
The Coca-Cola Australia Foundation – Clontarf Foundation, Engaging Aboriginal Boys in Education in Australia, to support mentoring and skills training for 100 at-risk youth, Australia, $102,857.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Inc., 2012 Public Policy Fellowship Program, to support the participation of up to 20 college graduates in a nine-month education and training program, United States, $50,000.
Croix Rouge Française (French Red Cross), Red Touch + Humanitarian Values, to engage 15,000 youth in community projects, France, $650,000.
Jordan River Foundation, Youth Summer Volunteer & Leadership Program, benefiting 300 college students and teens, Jordan, $91,000.
Tavis Smiley Foundation, Leadership Institute: Teens Are Too Important To Fail, to benefit 200 students in an interactive leadership training program, United States, $100,000.
Chastain Park Conservancy, Mission Effectiveness Project, to preserve, maintain and enhance Atlanta’s Chastain Park, benefiting 1 million park visitors, United States, $25,000.
Georgia Center for Nonprofits, Nonprofit University – Capacity Building and Leadership Development, to support an education and training curriculum benefiting 3,000 nonprofit professionals, United States, $25,000.
Leadership Education For Asian Pacifics, Inc., Emerging Leaders Program, to benefit 16 participants who are preparing for nonprofit leadership and management roles, United States, $25,000.
Share Our Strength, No Kid Hungry 2012 Summer Meals Initiative, to support a campaign by the New York City Department of Education serving 1.1 million children and teens, United States, $50,000.
United Service Organizations, Inc., Operation Enduring Care, for programs to benefit 100,000 military heroes and their families, and to support the construction of Rehabilitation Centers at the Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and Fort Belvoir Hospital in Fairfax, Virginia, United States, $1.25 million.
Kashf Foundation, Strengthening the Microfinance Value Chain and Mainstreaming Female Entrepreneurs, to provide micro-loans to 350 low-income earning Pakistani women to start or grow their businesses, Pakistan, $96,510.
American University of Beirut, Nature Conversation, benefiting 252,000 students participating in environmental activities, Lebanon, $92,910.
Fundación Junior Achievement Ecuador, “Aprender A Emprender En El Medio Ambiente,” – “Learn To Entrepreneur In The Environment,” to support an environmental awareness program benefiting 1,750 elementary school students, Ecuador, $10,000.
Grand Teton National Park Foundation, Youth Conservation Program, for a teen education, conservation and employment initiative that employs 20 teens and benefits park visitors, United States, $25,000.
Mahila Sewa Trust, Solar Energy Project in Dungarpur, Rajasthan and Sabarkantha, Gujarat, to benefit 47,532 residents in households that do not have electricity, India, $214,900.
About The Coca-Cola Foundation
In 2011, The Coca-Cola Foundation awarded $76 million in support of global sustainable community initiatives, including water stewardship, community recycling, active healthy living, and education. For more information about The Coca-Cola Foundation, please go to www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/foundation_coke.html.
About The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Led by Coca-Cola, the world's most valuable brand, our Company's portfolio features 15 billion-dollar brands including Diet Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola Zero, vitaminwater, Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Georgia and Del Valle. Globally, we are the No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, and juices and juice drinks. Through the world's largest beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy our beverages at a rate of 1.8 billion servings a day. With an enduring commitment to building sustainable communities, our Company is focused on initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint, support active, healthy living, create a safe, inclusive work environment for our associates, and enhance the economic development of the communities where we operate. Together with our bottling partners, we rank among the world's top 10 private employers with more than 700,000 system employees. For more information, please visit www.thecoca-colacompany.com or follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/CocaColaCo
The Coca-Cola Foundation
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Since its inception, The Coca-Cola Foundation has donated more than $355 million to community projects and initiatives across the globe. For more information about The Coca-Cola Foundation, please go to http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/foundation_coke.html