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Graduate Students Worldwide Profile More Than 100 MBA Programs

Net Impact releases 2011 Business as UNusual Guide

Graduate Students Worldwide Profile More Than 100 MBA Programs

Net Impact releases 2011 Business as UNusual Guide

Published 08-17-11

Submitted by Net Impact

Net Impact, a global organization of students and professionals using business skills to improve the world, today released the 2011 edition of Business as UNusual: The Student Guide to Graduate Programs. The guide provides an inside look at MBA programs’ social and environmental curriculum, student activities, career services, and more.

First created in 2006, the annual Business as UNusual guide is the only resource available that offers profiles of schools provided directly by students. The 2011 guide includes details on 106 programs from all over the world – including 29 schools not profiled last year – compiled from the opinions of more than 2,500 students within the Net Impact network. Newly profiled schools include the Kogod School of Business at American University, Rutgers Business School, and The College of Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University, among others.

“More and more students are interested in pursuing an MBA to prepare them for a career with social and environmental impact,” said Liz Maw, Executive Director of Net Impact. “We are thrilled to see a growing number of schools incorporating corporate responsibility, sustainability, social entrepreneurship, and related topics into their curriculums. Business as UNusual allows prospective applicants to compare MBA programs around the world to determine which will best prepare them to make an impact in their career.”

Eighty-three percent of students interested in social and environmental issues say their programs prepared them for responsible leadership. They also express interest in having their programs integrate more sustainability-themed courses into the traditional curriculum.

This year’s guide shows some programs’ commitment to offering relevant courses, including “The Business Case for Sustainability” and “MBA Practicum in Sustainable Value and Social Entrepreneurship,” which was among Forbes’ Top 10 Innovative Courses in Sustainable Value. Some programs also added certifications in responsible management, including “Global Sustainable Business Practices” and “Environmental Ethics.”

The Business as UNusual guide is not only useful for prospective students but is also a way for business schools to attract new applicants by learning about other MBA schools’ efforts to address sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and other related topics.

The 2011 Business as UNusual guide is available for free download at

About Net Impact
Net Impact inspires a new generation of leaders to put their business skills to work for a better world. We help members transform their careers into ones that make a ‘net impact’—benefiting not just the bottom line, but people and planet too. More than 20,000 student and professional members turn to Net Impact for learning, connections, and leadership opportunities.  Net Impact chapters can be found in cities across the globe and on the world’s leading business school campuses.

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Net Impact

Net Impact

Net Impact is an international nonprofit organization with a mission is to inspire, educate, and equip individuals to use the power of business to create a more socially and environmentally sustainable world.

Spanning six continents, our membership makes up one of the most influential networks of professionals and students in existence today. Net Impact members are current and emerging leaders in CSR, social entrepreneurship, nonprofit management, international development, and environmental sustainability who are actively improving the world.

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