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Ode's top 10 positive stories from 2010

Ode's top 10 positive stories from 2010

Published 12-23-10

Submitted by Ode Magazine

Good news rarely makes the headlines... except in Ode. To celebrate 2010-and anticipate more good news to come in 2011-we'd like to share with you Ode's 10 most positive stories from the year that was.

On our list are stories about how co-ops are merging economic growth with social goals, how biochar-charcoal derived from burning plants-can boost crop yields and help fight climate change, how three friends rescued hundreds of Uganda's child soldiers and why urban agriculture is changing our relationship with food - for good.

To see the full list, please visit:

Ode is a print and online publication about positive change-about the innovations and ideas that are changing the world for the better. While most media focus on what's going wrong, Ode looks at what's going right by telling the stories of people who are making a positive difference in their communities, their countries, their worlds. To this end, Ode focuses on stories about sustainable business and innovation, alternative energy, green finance and economics, leadership and management, and health, healing, and spirituality.

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Ode Magazine

Ode Magazine

Ode Magazine is "the international magazine for intelligent optimists." We cover people, organizations, and new discoveries that help make the world a better place. We write about everything from global politics and green technology, to health and spirituality. We publish eight times a year, and we're based in both the San Francisco Bay Area and in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where we started Ode in 1995. For more information, please visit

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