New Facebook Application Allows Consumers to Turn Virtual Trees into Real Ones
Published 10-07-10
Submitted by Timberland
/PRNewswire/ - The Timberland Company (NYSE: TBL) believes it can help alleviate hunger, create jobs, protect wildlife and preserve the environment...all through the simple act of planting a tree. Make that five million trees - in five years.
It's a bold pledge in support of a bold vision. And although the notion is pretty simple - plant some trees, do some good in the world - Timberland's global reforestation program recognizes that success doesn't come quite as easily as that.
"You can't just throw a sapling in the ground and expect the world to change," said Timberland President & CEO Jeff Swartz. "But done thoughtfully and strategically, with committed partners, planting trees really can lead to meaningful long-term solutions to a whole host of environmental, social and economic problems."
Timberland's pledge to plant "five in five" (five million trees in five years) will further the impact of the company's global reforestation efforts which, over the last 10 years, have resulted in more than one million trees planted. The five million trees will be planted in Haiti and in China's Horqin Desert - two regions that have long suffered severe and widespread impacts from deforestation.
In China, where desertification is a critical issue, Timberland has partnered with GreenNet (a Japan-based NGO) since 2001 to restore the barren land of the Horqin Desert by planting shrubs and trees, while educating local residents so that they can maintain and continue the planting efforts. In Haiti, Timberland is partnering with nonprofits Trees for the Future and the Yele Haiti Foundation on Yele Vert - a community-based agroforestry and environmental education program centered on having farmer-led and -operated tree nurseries that supply multipurpose and fast-growing trees for food, animal fodder, construction material and fuel. Key to the success of both projects is the training and engagement of the local farming population at every level, from selecting the plant species to planting and maintaining the trees and tree nurseries, so that community farmers can eventually lead the sustainable land management practices on their own.
Help Timberland Plant Trees
To engage a broader audience in its reforestation efforts, Timberland today is launching a new "Timberland Earthkeepers Virtual Forest" Facebook application, created by digital marketing agency, Bridge Worldwide. Consumers can help Timberland plant additional trees in Haiti (above and beyond the "five in five" commitment) by creating a virtual forest on Facebook - the larger the virtual forest, the more real trees planted. Virtual foresters can name their forest, add messages to friends' trees, and see how they rank against other users. The application also features videos that introduce the farmers participating in Yele Vert and provides in-depth information about Timberland's reforestation efforts - helping users to get better educated about and connected to how their online actions are contributing to the company's programs. The real-world tree planting component of the virtual forest program is capped at one million trees or the end date of October 31, 2011, whichever comes first.
"Wouldn't it be great if everyone in the world would plant a tree - the right kind of tree, in the right place, where it would be cared for and cultivated and serve its best purpose for the environment and its people? Sure, but that's not realistic," continued Swartz. "By launching the virtual forest, we're trying to give people another way to engage, a way that's informative and hopefully fun and ladders up to a focused, meaningful real-world program."
To start growing your own virtual forest, visit To learn more about Timberland's commitment to reforestation, visit
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About Timberland
Timberland (NYSE: TBL) is a global leader in the design, engineering and marketing of premium-quality footwear, apparel and accessories for consumers who value the outdoors and their time in it. Timberland markets products under the Timberland®, Timberland PRO®, SmartWool®, Timberland Boot Company®, Mountain Athletics®, Howies® and IPATH® brands, all of which offer quality workmanship and detailing and are built to withstand the elements of nature. The company's products can be found in leading department and specialty stores as well as Timberland® retail stores throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, South Africa and the Middle East. Timberland's dedication to making quality products is matched by the company's commitment to "doing well and doing good" - forging powerful partnerships among employees, consumers and service partners to transform the communities in which they live and work. To learn more about Timberland, please visit
Timberland is a global outdoor work and lifestyle brand that’s on a mission to equip and inspire a new generation to step outside and move the world forward. Based in Stratham, New Hampshire, Timberland also has international headquarters in Switzerland and Shanghai. Best known for its original yellow work boot introduced in 1973 to take on the harsh elements of New England, Timberland today offers a full range of footwear, apparel and accessories made with eco-conscious innovation for people who share the brand’s passion for enjoying – and protecting – Nature.
At the heart of the Timberland® brand is the core belief that a greener future is a better future. This comes to life through a decades-long commitment to make products responsibly, protect the outdoors, and strengthen communities around the world. The brand has committed to plant 50 million trees worldwide by 2025, and has a bold vision for its products to have a net positive impact on Nature by 2030, giving back more than they take. To share in Timberland’s mission to step outside, work together and move the world forward, visit a Timberland® store, or follow @timberland or @timberlandpro. Timberland is a VF Corporation brand.
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