Published 11-14-01
Submitted by Nuclear Solutions, Inc.
Independent research conducted by a consortium of five Japanese organizations confirms the viability of photonuclear transmutation for nuclear waste remediation, Nuclear Solutions, Inc. (OTCBB:NSOL) announced today.
Based on the development of a new high-intensity gamma laser system and research on its applications, Japanese scientists have concluded that the use of gamma rays is a feasible approach to efficiently transmute nuclear waste into stable non-radioactive end products. Their results were reached through scientific experimentation and study of concepts closely related to the photonuclear, gamma-neutron reactions currently being developed by Nuclear Solutions as the foundation of its patented and patents pending waste remediation technology.
"The Japanese should be congratulated for conducting such positive research in a relatively unexplored area of nuclear science," said Dr. Qi Ao, Vice President, Research and Development for Nuclear Solutions.
"It's great to know that scientists are independently validating what we have been saying all along: Photonuclear transmutation is a feasible approach to solving the nuclear waste problem once and for all without having to resort to burying it underground," Dr. Paul M. Brown, President and CEO of Nuclear Solutions.
The research, which was presented at the American Nuclear Society 2001 Winter Meeting, "Nuclear Research and Development," conference this week in Reno, Nevada, was conducted jointly by five Japanese organizations:
-- The Institute for Laser Technology
-- Institute of Free Electron Laser, Osaka University
-- Himeji Institute of Technology
-- Mitsubishi Heavy Industry
-- Kansai Electric Power Corporation
Nuclear Solutions, Inc. is marketing its patented and patent pending technology to the nuclear industry through licensing and joint ventures.
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1. Nuclear Solutions, Inc. (NSOL) is pioneering the application of photonuclear physics for the treatment of nuclear waste and the safe, efficient generation of electricity. Development of this patented and patent pending technology could result in the elimination of nuclear waste and a new generation of nuclear reactors that are able to burn their own waste.
The application of photonuclear physics to nuclear waste is called Photodeactivation (a term coined by the inventor, Dr. Paul M. Brown). Photodeactivation involves the irradiation of specific radioactive isotopes to force the emission of a neutron, thereby producing an isotope of reduced atomic mass. These resultant isotopes are characteristically either not radioactive or radioactive with a short half-life.
NSOL's technology works on the laboratory scale, and preliminary computer simulations suggest that this technology will also work on the industrial scale. NSOL is taking the steps necessary for commercialization of the technology. Like most of the advanced nuclear technologies developed today, computer simulation is one of the most important and necessary steps. NSOL will use and improve a series of nuclear simulation codes. The new set of simulation codes will allow the NSOL research and development team to design, test, improve and develop experiments and commercial facilities through computer modeling.
NSOL plans to capitalize on its patented and patent-pending technology by forming strategic alliances and joint ventures with the well-established leaders in the nuclear industry. Continued revenue streams are expected through licensing of the technology with both upfront fees and ongoing royalties.
2. Nuclear Solutions' technology, the HYPERCON(TM) ADS process, is an electron accelerator-based photodisintegration process that reduces the atomic mass of radioactive materials, thereby rendering them non-radioactive or radioactive with a short half-life. These processes involve accelerator-driven technology and photo-nuclear reactions, incorporating the most recent advances in the photo-nuclear industry.
3. The technology could be developed into new applications for remediation of nuclear waste. Industrially, it would operate at a sub-critical level, so the heat produced by the process could also be used to generate electricity in a safe and environmentally benign manner.