Published 06-19-07
Submitted by Coca-Cola HBC
ATHENS, GREECE -June 19, 2007"“ Coca-Cola HBC, one of the world’s leading providers of non-alcoholic beverages, has published a top-ranked report on its activities in all 28 countries in which it operates, detailing its efforts as a socially responsible company dedicated to sustainable development.
The report lists activities aimed at achieving the highest local and international standards in all aspects of its operations, in accordance with Guidelines set down by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and cover the four key areas of responsibility as identified by the company: the Marketplace, the Workplace, the Environment, and the Community.
In announcing its initiatives, Coca-Cola HBC presents a clear picture of the goals it has set for itself, and those that are in line with international standards, as well as its progress in achieving each of these.
Among the many major steps the company reported for 2006 was the groundbreaking industry commitments on responsible marketing to the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, which the company itself helped to develop.
Among the commitments were those that included not only the development of a number of Coca-Cola HBC's own wellness products but also the enforcement of a multitude of restrictions on the promotion of products to underage youngsters.
Another significant development noted during the year was the intensified concentration on the impact of industry on climate change. Assessing its own "carbon footprint", the company undertook a number of important and effective measures to reduce - and eventually eliminate - the impact of harmful emissions.
Efforts to protect and preserve precious water resources were continued and extended. In addition to heightened educational activities through its association with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) the company was actively involved in numerous other water stewardship programmes. Among these was an agreement to extend the Danube River activities to the Volga River and, in Hungary, to promote the importance of the Duna-Drava National Park.
The detail, and the extent of the information contained in the Coca-Cola HBC CSR has been recognised as being of the highest levels internationally.
While the latest report is the most comprehensive and informative to date, the previous one, covering 2005, was classified by the UN Global Compact as a "Notable Communication" on the progress the company is achieving, making it the first to receive such recognition in the non-alcoholic beverage industry.
As the company continues to expand it also continues to serve and contribute to the communities in which it operates. The Coca-Coca HBC 2006 CSR gives a frank
and candid picture of where it stands today in the international community in terms of its responsible behaviour.
The full Coca-Cola HBC CSR report can be obtained on the company’s website at
Coca-Cola HBC is one of the world's largest bottlers of products of The Coca-Cola Company and has operations in 28 countries serving a population of 540 million people. CCHBC shares are listed on the Athens Exchange (ATHEX: EEEK), with secondary listings on the London (LSE: CCB) and Australian (ASX: CHB) Stock Exchanges. CCHBC's American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CCH).
Coca-Cola HBC is the second-largest bottler of the brands of The Coca-Cola Company in terms of volume with sales of more than 2 billion unit cases. It has a broad geographic footprint with operations in 28 countries serving a population of approximately 585 million people. Coca-Cola HBC offers a diverse range of non-alcoholic ready to drink beverages in the sparkling, juice, water, sport, energy, tea and coffee categories. Coca-Cola HBC is committed to promoting sustainable development in order to create value for its business and for society. This includes providing products that meet the beverage needs of consumers, fostering an open and inclusive work environment, conducting its business in ways that protect and preserve the environment and contribute to the socio-economic development of the local communities.
Coca-Cola HBC has a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: CCH) and its shares are listed on the Athens Exchange (ATHEX: EEE). Coca-Cola HBC’s American depositary shares (ADSs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CCH). Coca-Cola HBC is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability and FTSE4Good Indexes. For more information, please visit
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