Published 01-17-06
Submitted by Sea Change Radio
CWR exposes corporate wrongdoing and applauds businesses that do the right thing. The program investigates how corporate malfeasance can adversely impact the well-being of people and the planet, and commends companies making healthy financial returns by supporting social and environmental progress.
With its lively dialogue and interview format, CWR teams journalist Bill Baue with environmental attorney and filmmaker Sanford Lewis. Baue and Lewis bring a wealth of investigative, legal, and reporting experience to the matter at hand. Lewis, a leading national expert on corporate disclosure to investors on environmental and social liabilities, has represented shareowners and activists for over 23 years, and has produced films on corporate accountability issues. Baue has covered socially responsible investing (SRI) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) for SocialFunds for half a decade. Together, they analyze hot topics and breaking stories, and interview experts who are holding corporations accountable in traditional and innovative ways.
On the latest show (available January 18) Lewis interviews Glenn Evers, a former DuPont scientist, and Attorney Alan Kluger, who is suing DuPont regarding Teflon. Evers, who worked for DuPont for more than 20 years, recently flagged concerns regarding health and environmental impacts of Dupont products used to coat fast food wrappers. Kluger has filed a $5 billion lawsuit against Dupont over the alleged toxicity of Teflon coated cookware. While the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, and other mainstream media outlets have only skimmed the surface of this story, CWR distinguishes itself by offering in-depth exploration of impacts and implications--including the potential public health hazards the chemical PFOA poses in ubiquitous products such as paper wrapping for microwave popcorn, fast food, and pizza. Lewis is himself a representative of DuPont Shareholders for Fair Value, a group of DuPont shareholders including Amalgamated Bank, United Steelworkers and others concerned about the financial impacts on DuPont of PFOA, the controversial chemical believed to be a breakdown byproduct of Teflon cookware and many DuPont stain- and grease-repellent treatments.
Recent editions of CWR include interviews with Cristobal Bonifaz, lead lawyer in the ongoing lawsuit against ChevronTexaco for the environmental destruction of the Ecuadorian rainforest, and reports from Dow Chemical activist Diane Wilson, author of An Unreasonable Woman, just prior to her arrest at a Tom Delay fundraiser in Houston.
Corporate Watchdog Radio is produced for broadcast on Northampton, Massachusetts-based low power FM community station Valley Free Radio, a Pacifica network affiliate. Other radio stations broadcasting CWR include The Journey Radio webcasting from St. Louis, Missouri; WOOL-LP in Southern Vermont; WRCT in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; KWMD in Anchorage, Alaska; and WRFU in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Additional radio stations can pick up CWR from the Pacifica Audioport website or from the CWR website,
Visit the CWR website to subscribe to the low-traffic listserve for announcements when new programming is posted. The webcast and audio archive is available through the website, or as a podcast feed at and by searching Corporate Watchdog Media on the iTunes music store.
Sea Change Radio is a new radio show and podcast that makes connections on social, environmental, and economic transformations toward sustainability. The show features news analysis, commentaries, and interviews with sustainability experts such as Hunter Lovins, John Elkington, Hazel Henderson, Bill McKibben, Mindy Lubber, Paul Hawken, Frances Moore Lappé, Joel Makower, and others. Sea Change co-hosts Bill Baue and Francesca Rheannon produced the shows precursor, Corporate Watchdog Radio, which launched in 2005. Sea Change is nationally syndicated on over 20 stations, and streams from, where you can also download the show or subscribe to our podcast or email list.
Sea Change Radio c/o WMUA 91.1 FM 105 Campus Center University of Massachusetts - Amherst Amherst, MA 01002
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