Published 10-03-06
Submitted by Non Profile
PHILADELPHIA, Penn. - Benchmark Asset Managers announced today that it has created the Benchmark Collaborative Index, a new socially screened index designed to replicate the performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 while reflecting the values and beliefs of Catholic investors. Research and analytics for the index is from IW Financial, a leading provider of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data.
In addition, Benchmark is introducing the Catholic Social Values Portfolio, a separate account based on the Collaborative Index. The portfolio is designed for individuals wishing to invest $3 million or more, and as a pooled fund for investors wishing to invest $300,000 or more.
The social screens offered will be both traditional (weapons, military contracting, tobacco, environment, nuclear power and adult entertainment) and Catholic social values (abortion, abortion products and stem cell research) or a combination of the two. The Benchmark Collaborative Index will not include companies that derive more than 5 percent of their revenues from alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and military contracting. The Index will not hold shares in any company that derives revenue from nuclear power and will avoid companies that have poor environmental records or are actively involved in the adult entertainment industry. It will additionally not include any company that derives revenue from abortion services and products or is involved in stem cell research.
Benchmark Asset Managers LLC (, an SEC registered investment advisor, will serve as investment manager and provide policy and oversight as well as the social screening. Advisor Partners LLC ( will handle the day-to-day management of the portfolios and pooled fund.
About Benchmark Asset Managers LLC
Benchmark Asset Managers LLC is a Philadelphia based investment manager that works with religious organizations and high net worth individuals. Benchmark focuses on risk management and asset allocation while serving as a "manager-of-managers".
Benchmark operates with the knowledge that 90%+ of investment outcomes depend on asset allocation. Benchmark builds portfolios that will produce market returns and avoid the costly impact of underperforming active managers.
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About IW Financial
IW Financial is a leading provider of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) research, consulting and portfolio management solutions for asset management firms, managed accounts sponsors, institutional investors, plan sponsors, and investment advisors. With its unique combination of investment industry expertise, unbiased research, and technology solutions, IW Financial helps industry professionals capitalize on growing investor demand by incorporating ESG factors into investment platforms, products, and portfolios, adding value to the money management process while strengthening client relationships.
IW Financial is based in Portland, Maine. For more information, visit
About Advisor Partners LLC
Advisor partners LLC is a San Francisco based investmernt manager that works with investment advisors to create custom core/satellite equity programs.
AP follows the investment philosophy shared by many industry leaders that the foundation or "core" of a taxable investment portfolio consist of a significant allocation to a structured, index based strategy as a means to minimize costs and manage taxes as an expense.
The goal of the "core" is to match the performance of an equity market segment while maximizing after-tax return through selecting tax efficient vehicles or through active tax management. The "core" may be complemented with smaller, actively managed "satellites" to equities and other asset classes using investment vehicles that seek to maximize gross return.
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