Published 10-03-06
Submitted by economie
London - economie, the international organisation dedicated to the education, promotion and development of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) worldwide, are hosting eco6 on 9th - 10th October 2006 in Zurich. eco6 is economie's flagship annual conference aimed at raising global awareness and transform attitudes towards the fast growing economic movements of SRI and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Those interesting in helping to shape the advancement of an ethically aware global, economy only have six days left to register for the event.
Attracting some of the world's leading commentators on SRI and CSR, eco6 promises to:
- Help organisations to get the maximum value for your organisation
- Dispel the myth that CSR and SRI do not create value
- Explore how values drive investment decisions across cultures
- Help organisations to respond to new legislation that includes SRI and CSR
- Break stereotypes and build a way to make value-based investment decision the norm
- Take an organisation's values and invest them
- Make SRI and CSR work within the organisation
International speakers at eco6 include:
- Paola Ghillani, Active promoter and implementer of sustainable development and ethics in business
- Amy Domini, Founder of Domini Social Investments
- Philippe Spicher, Managing Director, SiRi Company
- Dr Noreena Hertz, Bestselling international author and academic
- John Renesch, Business futurist and writer
- Dr. Julia Balandina - Switzerland
- Wendy Luhabe, Social entrepreneur and chair of Alliance Capital Management South Africa
- Dr Kevin Money, Associate Director of the Centre for Organisation Reputation and Relationships (CORR)
- Frans de Clerck, Advisor to the Executive Board of Triodos Bank, Europe's leading social banking group
- Reino Fridh, Director SVN Europe
- Deborah Doane, Head Corporate Accountability at the New Economics Foundation
- Brian Harrison Spence, economie founder
- Eli Munkelien from DNV UK
- Dr. Humayon Dar, Managing Director of Dar Al Istithmar London, Deutsche Bank's global Sharia advisory service
- Colin Baines, Ethics adviser, Ethical Policy Unit, Corporate Affairs & Social Goals, the Co-operative Group
- Professor Hans Ruh, Institute for Social Ethics at Zurich University
To register, please visit:
About eco6
On 9th and 10th October 2006, economie will be hosting its flagship event, eco6. eco6 seeks to bring together the world's leading SRI and CSR experts. The conference offers delegates the opportunity to meet, learn from and be inspired by passionate, creative individuals from all corners of the SRI and CSR community. For further information about eco6, please visit
About economie
Founded in 2005, economie is an international organisation devoted to creating international awareness and establishing social responsible investment and corporate social responsibility as the norm. Headquartered in London, economie is made up of international partners from 20 countries, including Australia, Argentina and Norway, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA.
At the heart of the organisation's ethos is the belief that much more can be achieved by working together than by standing apart. For more information, please visit
For more information about exhibiting, please visit here: or contact Brian Harrison Spence, below.