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eco6 Attracts New Sponsor and Keynote Speaker

eco6 Attracts New Sponsor and Keynote Speaker

Published 10-02-06

Submitted by economie

Zurich/London - economie, the international organisation dedicated to the education, promotion and development of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) worldwide, today announced that Philippe Spicher, Managing Director, SiRi Company, will be speaking at its flagship annual event, eco6. SiRi is also sponsoring the eco6 conference. eco6 is aimed at raising global awareness and transforming attitudes towards the fast growing economic movements of SRI and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The SiRi Company Network comprises eleven specialist SRI research organisations based in Europe, North America and Australia. The group boasts a research base of over 100 SRI analysts worldwide and has an unrivalled resource of knowledge and expertise on corporations, local markets and SRI investment strategies.

"It is of paramount importance for us to be involved with eco6," said Philippe Spicher, Managing Director, SiRi Company. "The very nature of the event and its efforts to bring together a global presence of leading SRI experts reflects SiRi's goals to draw together a global community all to highlight these increasingly debated topics. I feel that with the experts eco6 is bringing together, both delegates and speakers alike will have a valuable opportunity to further the lines of dialogue to effect a real and lasting change in the SRI movement."

Philippe Spicher started his carreer in the SRI field in 1994 when he joined Centre Info as an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Analyst. As Head of Research (1996-1999), he set up a formal system to assess corporate, environmental and social performance and developed relationships with international partner organisations.

In 1999 he was appointed as CEO of Centre Info SA and successfully developed the company by introducing new products and services and expanding the client base. He was instrumental in the foundation of SiRi Group in 2000, a coalition of leading local SRI Rating agencies. Following the transformation of SiRi Group into a limited company (SiRi Company Ltd.), Centre Info SA (Switzerland) acquired a controlling stake (40%) in the new entity and Philippe Spicher has been appointed as Managing Director of SiRi Company Ltd.

International speakers at eco6 include:

  • Dr. Julia Balandina, Vice President, Co-Head Direct Investments Europe, AIG Switzerland
  • Colin Baines, ethics adviser, Ethical Policy Unit, Corporate Affairs & Social Goals, the Co-operative Group
  • Eli Munkelien from DNV UK
  • Mike Kelly Head of CSR, KPMG UK
  • Reino Fridh, Director SVN Europe, ISO 26000
  • Prof. Hans Ruh, Institute for Social Ethics at Zurich University
  • Amy Domini, Founder of Domini Social Investments
  • Wendy Luhabe, Social entrepreneur and chair of Alliance Capital Management South Africa
  • Roger Amhof, Partner with Head of Enterprise Risk Services, Ernst & Young
  • Nancy Kamp-Roelands, Partner Head of CSR Services, Ernst & Young
  • Adolf Doerig, Partner, Enterprise Risk Services, Deloitte AG
  • Noreena Hertz, bestselling international author and academic
  • Deborah Doane, Head Corporate Accountability at the New Economics Foundation
  • Dr Kevin Money, Associate Director of the Centre for Organisation Reputation and Relationships (CORR)
  • Dr Humayon Dar, Managing Director of Dar Al Istithmar London, Deutsche Bank's global Sharia advisory service
  • Geoffrey Dennis, Chief Executive of CARE International UK
  • Malcolm Hayday, Chief Executive of Charity Bank
  • Dr. Jean-Luc Gerard Head of Sales, Care Group
  • Paola Ghillani, Active promoter and implementer of sustainable development and ethics in business
  • Brian Harrison Spence, economie founder

    About SiRi Company
    SiRi Company is a leading independent global provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) research and consulting services for institutional investors and financial professionals.

    The SiRi Company comprises eleven independent specialist SRI organisations based in Europe, North America and Australia. With a research base of over 100 SRI analysts worldwide, the SiRi Company has an unrivalled resource of knowledge and expertise on corporations, local markets and SRI investment strategies. This gives clients the benefits of global coverage based on local knowledge.

    SiRi Company provides detailed research and ratings on more than 2600 companies in developed and emerging markets. Our research addresses the needs of the SRI market and it is increasingly being utilized by mainstream institutions willing to assess long term ESG risks and opportunities associated with their investments. Our services are provided through SiRi Pro, the web-based client platform and include best-in-class analysis, portfolio auditing and detailed company reports.

    Our clients include some of the largest asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, banks and social investment institutions.

    For further information, please visit or send an e-mail to Stefano Gilardi (

    About economie
    Founded in 2005, economie is an international organisation devoted to creating international awareness and establishing social responsible investment and corporate social responsibility as the norm. Headquartered in London, economie is made up of international partners from 20 countries, including Australia, Argentina and Norway, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA.

    At the heart of the organisation's ethos is the belief that much more can be achieved by working together than by standing apart. For more information, please visit

    About eco6
    On 9th and 10th October 2006, economie will be hosting its flagship event, eco6. eco6 seeks to bring together the world's leading SRI and CSR experts. The conference offers delegates the opportunity to meet, learn from and be inspired by passionate, creative individuals from all corners of the SRI and CSR community. For further information about eco6, please visit

    For more information about exhibiting, please visit here: or contact Brian Harrison Spence, below.

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