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First Release of Queen Conch at Xel-Ha Park

First Release of Queen Conch at Xel-Ha Park

Published 10-31-06

Submitted by DTS, S.C.

On October 13th, Xel-Ha Natural Wonder welcomed Mrs. Narcedalia Martín de González (DIF State President) and Mrs. Gabriela Rejón de Joaquín (DIF President in Solidaridad), in order to take part in the release of the Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas).

Over the past five years, Dra. Dalilla Aldana, head researcher of the Center on Research and Advanced Studies in Mérida (CINVESTAV-Mérida) has carried out a research study on queen conch (strombus gigas), sponsored by Xel-Há. This investigation mainly consists of monitoring the conch in the inlet at Xel-Ha, including marking of the individuals and measuring them (size, weight and register). During the first three years, the monitoring took place every month and since 2005, it has been every two months. This work has produced important information on the population parameters of this species (growth and reproduction, among others...) that have been published both in Mexico and abroad. In addition, this investigation has helped develop new pedagogical material to be used in recreational workshops for kids and teachers of the elementary schools of the state of Quintana Roo.

In order to learn more about the growth of the queen conch, a "seed" cultivation experiment has been carried out, in which various diets for growing and fattening were tested. This research contributes to the handling and conservation of Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas) in the Caribbean.

Once the queen conch individuals were ready to be released in their natural habitat, Lic. Elizabeth Lugo, General Manager of Xel-Ha, welcomed all the participants at the Aquatic Institute and invited Dra Dalilia Aldana to provide some information about this program. Right after that, the audience had the opportunity to release 200 queen conch individuals into the inlet at Xel-Ha, from the floating bridge. This unique event was highlighted by the presence of Mrs. Narcedalia Martín de González and Mrs. Gabriela Rejón de Joaquín, state and local presidents of the social workers, respectively, Dr. Dalila Aldana (head investigator), Mrs. Ana Lilia Córdova, Coordinator of Sustainable Development at Xel-Há, Mr. Ricardo Saénz (biologist and Manager of Sustainable Development at Xel-Ha), children from the Chemuyil community and others.

Each person who had the opportunity to release a member of this amazing species got to write down the number of the queen conch and give it a name, so that its growth can be identified in the future. According to the first ladies, it was truly an unforgettable experience.

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