Published 06-30-08
Submitted by Pearson Foundation
SAN ANTONIO, TX - June 30 /PRNewswire/ -- E3: Employers For Education Excellence, in an effort to help teachers become better equipped to lead students into the 21st century, is joining the Digital Arts Alliance, which promotes digital arts in K-12 education through fully funded and staffed programs delivered directly to schools and community centers nationwide.
The announcement was made today at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) by the Pearson Foundation, the founding partner in the Digital Arts Alliance.
E3 is a Portland-based non-profit founded by the Oregon Business Council. During the 2007-2008 school year, teachers taking part in E3's Oregon Small Schools Initiative participated in digital arts workshops hosted by the Pearson Foundation. The Oregon Small Schools Initiative, a statewide program to increase student achievement and graduation rates in Oregon high schools, focuses on traditionally underserved students from low-income communities.
During the 2007-08 school year, teachers from host schools in E3's Oregon Small Schools Initiative took part in digital arts workshops hosted by the Pearson Foundation. These leadership teams worked together to develop digital videos that communicate their school's shared mission and vision for students. Following these professional development sessions, they worked directly with Pearson Foundation coaches to host Digital Arts Alliance Classroom Residencies, which support students as they create their digital projects. At the end of the semester-long project, students shared the resulting films with family and teachers, and with other students in a public community showcase.
"Our teachers quickly picked up digital media and collaboration skills and then made excellent use of what they'd learned as part of the Oregon Small Schools Initiative program," said Karen Phillips, E3 Executive Director. "They understand that students need to be equipped with the skills to respond to the unique challenges of the 21st century."
"We have seen tremendous results from our collaboration with E3, as we've worked to establish a professional development program that helps teachers prepare students for success in the classroom and beyond," said Mark Nieker, president, the Pearson Foundation. "The program has affected all elements of the Oregon Small Schools Initiative, including school design, the teaching and learning agenda, community engagement, and leadership development."
E3: Employers for Education Excellence joins other Digital Arts Alliance members, including Nokia, Adobe, The National Academy Foundation, the American Red Cross, and the NEA Foundation in supporting an extended network of teachers and students who take advantage of Digital Arts Alliance student and educator residency programs to develop proficiencies in core subject knowledge and other 21st Century skills.
About E3: Employers for Education Excellence
E3 is a statewide non-profit committed to dramatically improving student learning and achievement in Oregon schools. They support schools and students through their high school reform program, the Oregon Small Schools Initiative, their community involvement program, Partnership for Student Success and by advocating for meaningful change that helps improve Oregon's education system. E3 is supported by foundations and employers, and by a broad coalition of statewide education organizations. For information visit:
About The Digital Arts Alliance
Each year, the Digital Arts Alliance makes it possible for more than 15,000 students and their teachers to experience firsthand how laptop computers, video production equipment, and the latest mobile-phone technologies are changing the ways young people can organize, present, and share information and issues that matter to them. Alliance members believe that using technologies to enhance personal expression creates an expanded kind of literacy, often referred to as 21st Century literacy, which people -- especially young people -- already use in their everyday lives.
About the Pearson Foundation
The Pearson Foundation extends Pearson's (NYSE: PSO) commitment to education by partnering with leading nonprofit, civic, and business organizations to provide financial, organizational, and publishing assistance across the globe. The Foundation aims to make a difference by sponsoring innovative educational programs and extending its educational expertise to help in classrooms and in local communities. More information on the Pearson Foundation can be found at
Pearson (NYSE: PSO) is the global leader in educational publishing, assessment, information and services, helping people of all ages to learn at their own pace, in their own way. For students preK-12, Pearson provides effective and innovative curriculum products in all available media, educational assessment and measurement for students and teachers, student information systems, and teacher professional development and certification programs. Our respected brands include Scott Foresman, Prentice Hall, SuccessMaker, Waterford, AGS, PowerSchool, Chancery SMS, SASI, Pearson Inform, and many others. Our comprehensive offerings help inform targeted instruction and intervention so that success is within reach of every student. Pearson's other primary businesses include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group.
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