Published 05-01-08
Submitted by BetterWorld Telecom, LLC
Washington, DC, May 1, 2008 "“ For the third consecutive year, BetterWorld Telecom, a nationwide full-service voice and data telecommunications services carrier based in Reston, Virginia, has issued its annual Corporate Citizenship Report showcasing its social and environmental activities for the prior year, including in 2007 becoming certified as the first and only carbon-neutral telecom carrier in all of North America.
The newly-released document, "PATHWAYS: 2007 BetterWorld Corporate Citizenship Report," provides readers with a basic understanding of BetterWorld's corporate philosophy and the initiatives taken to help affect positive social and environment change in both the telecom industry and society at large. The report, which highlights in full detail, activities in seven major areas - The Environment, Donations, Volunteerism, Advocacy, Certifications, Products, and The Future - is now available online at the BetterWorld website, accessible at
A fresh voice in the $900 billion US telecom services market, BetterWorld Telecom is strongly committed to the environment in its own daily internal business operations and actively helps its customers follow suit by offering a menu of service solutions to help organizations and businesses maintain sustainability. In addition to reducing its ecological impact along every step of the product and service delivery process, BetterWorld focuses on serving businesses and organizations that support social justice and sustainability while donating 3% of its revenues to causes that benefit children, education, fair trade, and the environment.
"Last year was a pivotal year for BetterWorld," explains Matt Bauer, president and co-founder of BetterWorld. "We made advances on many fronts, including rounding out our product mix so we could truly serve the voice and data needs of practically any social and/or sustainable-minded organization in America; increasing our donations, volunteering and advocacy programs; and adding many exciting and influential customers, which helped move us to unique ground in the US telecoms market."
Bauer went on to explain that in addition to becoming certified as the first carbon neutral telecom carrier in North America in 2007, BetterWorld was also certified by B Labs as a Founding For Benefit or B Corporation, acknowledged by One Percent For The Planet as donating at least 1% of its revenues to the environment, as well as WorldBlu for making its Most Democratic Workplaces 2007 List.
Bauer explains: "Last year's achievements were important for our team, customers and other stakeholders as our words and actions were independently audited and then officially certified, giving BetterWorld's mission and operational philosophy recognized authenticity. In addition, we performed an extensive survey of our customers and found a more than 95% satisfaction rate and over 90% recognizing the importance of our mission - placing BetterWorld in a unique position in the US telecoms industry and beyond."
BetterWorld Telecom
Designed from the start as a triple-bottom-line company, BetterWorld Telecom actively promotes people and planet alongside profits, as it advocates for social justice and sustainability in the hundreds of communities where it provides service today. BetterWorld offers a "boutique" experience for its customers matching personalized service with full-service provider products ranging from long-distance, to 800 toll-free, local calling, conferencing, dedicated Internet, unified communications, virtual PBX and VoIP. BetterWorld is the first telecommunications carrier in North America to achieve the carbon neutral certification, while also donating 3% of top line revenues to causes that support social justice and sustainability. For more information, go to
In the $900B US telecom market, BetterWorld Telecom, LLC is the only nationwide, full-service voice and data telecommunications carrier focused on serving businesses and organizations that support social justice and sustainability. BetterWorld provides business-grade telecommunication solutions in over 40 states, comprised of local, long distance, toll free, conferencing, Internet access, VoIP, and unified communications products. BetterWorld is the only certified carbon neutral carrier in North America and offers on average 28% savings off the competition, a 100% service guarantee, while donating 3% of revenues to causes that benefit children, education, environment, and fair trade. Over 60% of the Fortune 500 use BetterWorld’s network partners for their voice and data needs. BetterWorld operates at a fraction of traditional telecommunications carrier infrastructure cost, utilizing high quality network and service delivery partners. This approach allows BetterWorld to focus on customer relationships, delivering turn-key, bundled solutions to organizations with social and environmental mission alignment. This business model is unique in the global telecoms industry.
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