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Voters: End Partisanship Over Energy Now With Bold Solutions From the Middle

Voters: End Partisanship Over Energy Now With Bold Solutions From the Middle

Published 09-25-08

Submitted by Consumers United for Energy Solutions

WASHINGTON,DC. - September 25, 2008 - Consumers United for Energy Solutions (CUES) today released a national survey showing most voters want Congress to address high energy prices by enacting a bold energy policy derived from the political center. At the National Press Club, the grassroots coalition also previewed the next steps in its national campaign to spur pro-consumer action from Congress on energy.

In the survey of registered voters for CUES, Peter Hart Research Associates found that most Americans not only expect Washington to act on energy, but most prefer a bipartisan approach with solutions from both parties. A plurality of 42% said they fall between the two parties on energy policy and want to see action on bipartisan proposals that will lead to more energy efficiency, conservation, renewable energy production and oil and gas drilling - rather than continued bickering over Democratic and Republican bills. This compared with 28% who said they generally sided with the Democrats on energy and 24% who generally side with Republicans.

The poll is the latest to show energy is the No. 1 issue for voters: 43% said it will be the most important issue they will consider when voting, followed by health care (33%), the Iraq war (25%), foreign policy (23%) and job creation (22%).

Demonstrating how powerful the energy issue is headed into Election Day, more than half surveyed said they will be "much more inclined" to vote for a candidate who supports urgent action on a bipartisan energy policy. Voters say they would rather have their representatives make a compromise to get an agreement in place than stand their ground and allow the political stalemate to continue.

Consumers United for Energy Solutions was formed this summer with the goal of resolving the energy stalemate in Washington. It is a coalition of large and small energy consumers that believes Congress and the Administration must come together to establish a coherent energy policy that lowers energy demand and improves supplies while being responsive to the environmental values we all share. Any policy must spur aggressive energy efficiency and conservation, more renewable and alternative energy, increased production of American oil and natural gas, and other needed steps that will both improve our environment and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

"We can’t wait for the political page to turn next year before taking meaningful action," said the chairman of Consumers United for Energy Solutions, Peter Molinaro. "The country is paying a steep price at home and abroad for the lack of a coherent policy. We need real leadership and real solutions or this energy crisis will only become more painful given the inability of supply to keep up with soaring global demand."

"Energy prices are hurting American families, threatening American industries responsible for many millions of jobs, bankrupting brand-name companies, weighing down Wall Street, fueling our trade deficit and leaving us extremely vulnerable to an oil shock," said Valerie Patrick, Senior Coordinator of Sustainability for Bayer Corporation, a founding member of CUES. "Inaction is not an option. With each passing day, we lose an opportunity to shore up consumers, jobs and the economy."

"It is time for Congress to make a change "“ and that time is now," said CUES member Jan Straub of The Straub Corporation. "It is time for energy policy legislation that can be supported on both sides of the aisle. It is time for energy solutions that will allow small and large businesses to continue to operate." [The Straub Corporation is a Des Moines, Iowa printing and fulfillment company with 14 employees.]

For more information about CUES, including a list of members, visit

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