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Yes To Inc. Says Yes To Life! The Yes To Carrots Seed Fund Announces Grant Recipients

Yes To Inc. Says Yes To Life! The Yes To Carrots Seed Fund Announces Grant Recipients

Published 04-23-09

Submitted by Yes To Inc.

SAN FRANCISCO, April 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Yes To Inc. is proud to announce the 5 recipients of the Yes To Carrots Seed Fund grants, a philanthropic effort in which all Yes To customers have contributed, as a portion of every Yes To sale goes directly into The Seed Fund. While the rest of the world falls deeper into a state of economic chaos, one company is forging onward, further living up to their reputation as one of the fastest growing, all-natural beauty companies. In the midst of businesses cutting back and saying no, Yes To chooses to live up to their name by doing just that...saying YES!

In line with the celebration of a greener earth and more sustainable future, Yes To Inc.'s CEO, Ido Leffler, announces the recipients of the Yes To Carrots Seed Fund, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization registered in 2008 with a mission to make a difference in people's lives by providing under-served communities with resources to develop and sustain organic food sources and access to healthy nutrition. Leffler refers to the choosing of the grant recipients as "fully democratic," where the entire company participates in the research and approval process. Through an online application process, Yes To asks candidates to outline how the needs of their community will be met through the mission of their project, quantify how they will measure the effectiveness and use of the Seed Fund's monetary support, and define their ultimate goals by the end of their funding period. And The Seed Fund Grants Go To"¦

Growing Home, Chicago, IL -- Yes To Trading Barbed Wire for Vines: "Living Fence"
Growing Home uses organic agriculture as a vehicle for transitional job training and agricultural initiatives with economic development potential; program interns are Chicagoans with barriers to employment (incarceration, homelessness, etc.). Interns will create a "Living Fence" of organic fruits and vegetables, and will invite individuals to pick their own produce in an effort to integrate the farm into the community.

Cob Connection, Chicago, IL -- Yes To Growing Community: "Will Work For Food"
Cob Connection offers after-school programs and an 8 month transitional job skills training for teens and families on public aid, to help them successfully transition from welfare to self-sufficiency. The program is implementing a micro-enterprise project, 'Will Work For Food,' to grow organic gardens on 12 city lots.

GIFT (Gainesville Initiative for Tasty Gardens) Gardens, Gainesville, FL -- Yes To Giving GIFTs
GIFT builds free raised-bed gardens for under-served, low-income Alachua County residents severely suffering from the current economic climate, as government funds for welfare and food pantry donations are dwindling. The gardens empower residents to be self-sufficient and provide access to healthy food.

Ka Kula O 'Ehunuikaimalino School, Kealakekua, Hawaii -- Yes To Feeding The Future
Their mission is to arm students with the ability to grow sustainable organic food resources. 64% of students receive reduced-fee lunches, where eligible families have incomes at or below 130% of poverty level. When the garden is in full production it will have potential to feed the community and supply students with lunch meals.

The Green Apprenticeship (GA), Lotan Center for Creative Ecology, Arava Desert, Israel -- Yes To Growing Eco Designers
Partial scholarships were given to 3 participants of the GA Permaculture and Ecovillage Design Program, a work study training students in the processes surrounding designing, building and running sustainable communities.

Yes To Inc.

Yes To Inc.

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